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Daily News 2010-08-19
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The last large U.S. combat brigade has left Iraq, Voice of America reported.
The last large U.S. combat brigade has left Iraq, Voice of America reported. [Agencies]
Last U.S. combat brigade leaves Iraq 駐伊美戰斗部隊完成撤退
The last large U.S. combat brigade has left Iraq, Voice of America reported. News agencies and television networks - some with live footage of the departing troops - confirmed the withdrawal of the 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, which crossed into Kuwait. The departure came two weeks ahead of the August 31 deadline set by President Obama for formally ending combat operations, and seven years and five months after the U.S. and coalition forces invaded Iraq. 據美國之音廣播電臺報道,在伊拉克的最后一批美軍作戰部隊已經撤離。各大通訊社和電視網絡(有些還有直播)都證實了隸屬第2步兵師的第4攻擊旅現已撤回科威特境內。美軍的撤離比奧巴馬總統正式宣布的結束作戰行動截止日期8月31日提前了兩周時間。至此,美軍及聯軍部隊正式結束了對伊拉克長達7年零5個月的占領。
※ Under a bilateral agreement with Iraq's government, all U.S. fighting troops must be out of the country by the end of 2011. The 50,000 that remain will be engaged in training Iraqi forces, counter-terrorism operations, and protecting U.S. diplomatic and other personnel. More than 4,200 U.S. servicemen and women lost their lives during Operation Iraqi Freedom, with more than 30,000 others wounded. ※ 根據美伊政府的雙邊約定,所有美軍戰斗部隊必須在2011年底之前撤離伊拉克。留守的5萬美軍將主要訓練伊拉克部隊、開展反恐練習及保護美國外交官和其他人員。從“解放伊拉克行動”以來,喪生的美軍人數超過4200人,受傷人數超過30000。
Marriage makes you more relaxed 婚姻讓人活得更輕松
In a recent study, scientists found that being married makes you more relaxed, the Daily Mail reported. The finding may go some way toward explaining previous studies that showed married couples have less heart disease and other health problems. The study showed that marriage has a dampening effect on cortisol responses to psychological stress. Unpaired individuals of both sexes had higher cortisol levels than married individuals. Although marriage can be plenty stressful, it should make it easier for people to handle other stress in their lives. 據英國《每日郵報》報道,科學家們在最新的研究中發現,婚姻可以使你活得更輕松。這一發現可能會大大有助于解釋先前的研究:已婚夫婦較少患有心臟病和其他健康問題。研究表明,婚姻可以有效地抑制心理壓力對皮質醇分泌的影響。(正常含量的皮質醇有助于身體在壓力下恢復體內平衡。長期壓力會導致長時間分泌皮質醇;而皮質醇分泌失調,會引發一系列疾病。)未婚的男女單身人士的皮質醇比已婚的皮質醇要高出很多。盡管婚后生活也會帶給人很大的壓力,但是,解決這些壓力可比處理生活中其他壓力更加容易。
McDonald's ad angers French 麥當勞廣告惹怒法國人
A new McDonald's ad featuring Gallic champion Asterix enjoying a burger and fries has sparked outrage among French comic purists who see it as an insult to their national heritage, Reuters reported. "My childhood hero sacrificed like a wild boar! What next? Tintin eating at Subway?" said one horrified blogger called sirchmallow. "How ironic, the indomitable Gauls making an advert for the invaders," was another outraged comment on Twitter. McDonald's has frequently been the focus of anti-American sentiment in France and is seen by many to symbolize the threat to French culture and cuisine posed by globalization and homogenized junk food. 據路透社報道,在麥當勞的一則新廣告中,高盧英雄阿斯特里克斯扮演主角,享用著漢堡和薯條。這在持純粹主義的法國漫畫迷里掀起了波瀾,他們認為這是對國家遺產的侮辱。一個名為“sirchmallow”的博主頗為震驚,寫道:“我童年的英雄竟如野豬一般成了祭品!那接下來呢?丁丁吃賽百味?”推特上一條憤怒的評論說道:“多諷刺啊!不屈的高盧人竟給侵略者做廣告!”在法國,麥當勞屢次成為反美情緒的攻擊對象,許多人認為其象征著全球化、垃圾食物的蔓延對法國文化和烹飪造成的威脅。
Mum shared bed with son-in-law 女星母親與女婿同床
According to an InRumor.com report, the mother of American actress Brittany Murphy, Sharon Murphy, shared a bed with her son-in-law, after Brittany died. This news appeared after the L.A. coroner's office made public the report about Simon Monjack's death. According to the report, the two didn't have sexual contact. Actress Brittany Murphy died in December last year after she collapsed in the shower of her home, while her husband Simon Monjack died five months later due to cardiac arrest at home. 據InRumor.com報道,美國著名女星布里塔妮?墨菲的母親莎倫?墨菲曾在女兒死后與女婿同睡一床。該消息是在洛杉磯驗尸官辦公室公布了對西蒙?蒙杰克死因調查報告之后遭披露的,但是兩人之間并未發生性關系。去年12月,女星布里塔妮?墨菲在家中沐浴時猝死,其丈夫西蒙?蒙杰克5個月后因為心臟停搏在家中去世。
Toy boat built like a shark 富豪新寵水上玩具鯊魚船
A shark boat, invented by Rob Innes, has been dubbed the ultimate millionaire's toy, The Telegraph reported. It looks like a great white shark, complete with dorsal fin, gaping jaws and rows of dagger-sharp teeth. At 16.5ft in length, it is even the same size as one. It can fly up to 12 feet through the air before diving through the waves. It's called Seabreacher X, cost about 60,000 pounds and has a 260 horsepower engine that propels it to 50 mph above water, and 20 mph below. The company, Innespace, owned by Innes and friend Dan Piazza, has a year-long waiting list of individuals eager to buy one.




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