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Daily News 2010-08-19
富士康員工巡游 鼓舞士氣

Foxconn Technology Group held a rally Wednesday for workers to raise their morale at its Shenzhen plant in Guangdong Province, where 11 employees committed suicide.

Foxconn Technology Group held a rally Wednesday for workers to raise their morale at its Shenzhen plant in Guangdong Province, where 11 employees committed suicide.
Foxconn rallies to boost worker morale 富士康員工巡游 鼓舞士氣
According to Xinhua and Reuters, Foxconn Technology Group held a rally Wednesday for workers to raise their morale at its Shenzhen plant in Guangdong Province, where 11 employees committed suicide. Titled "Love Your Life, Love Your Family," the rally was attended by more than 20,000 workers at the plant, which the company hopes will strengthen cohesion among workers and encourage them to treasure life. The union president read from a declaration said to be signed by 100,000 employees, which promised to abide by government laws and company regulations. 據新華社和路透社報道,富士康科技集團位于廣東深圳的工廠于周三舉行了游行集會,以此來鼓舞員工的士氣。此前,已有11名員工在此工廠自殺身亡。集會以“珍惜生命,關愛家人”為主題,有2萬多名工人參加,公司希望以此來增進工人間的團結,激勵他們珍惜生命。工會主席宣讀了據說有10萬員工簽名的聲明,承諾遵守國家法律和公司的規章制度。
※ Foxconn will have as many as 1.3 million workers in the Chinese mainland by the end of 2011, up from the current 920,000, according to a special assistant to the chief executive at the event. But Terry Cheng, company vice president, said the number of workers in Shenzhen would be cut to 300,000 to 350,000 from the current 450,000. ※ 在集會上,富士康總裁助理表示,到2011年年底,富士康在中國大陸的員工人數將從現在的92萬增至130萬。但執行副總裁程天縱表示,深圳的員工數將從現在的45萬裁減到30萬-35萬。
Taiwan, Mainland have economic pact 臺通過臺海經濟合作協議
Taiwan's legislature voted to pass the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with the Chinese mainland on Tuesday evening after ten hours of speeches by representatives from the ruling Kuomintang Party and other parties, Xinhua reported. The agreement is expected to bring closer economic ties between the mainland and Taiwan. The mainland's Association for Relations Across Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) signed the ECFA on June 29 in Chongqing, agreeing to establish a systematic mechanism for enhancing cross-Strait economic cooperation. 據新華社報道,在當權的國民黨代表和其它黨派代表進行了10個小時的演講后,臺灣立法機構于周二晚投票通過了與大陸簽署的《海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協議》。此協議有望增進大陸與臺灣的經濟合作。6月29日,大陸的海峽兩岸關系協會和臺灣的海峽交流基金會在重慶簽署了此協議,同意建立一個增進兩岸經濟合作的體系機制。
Levi's launches new brand in China 李維斯在中國推出新全球品牌
The Financial Times reported that Levi Strauss, icon of U.S. jeans culture, yesterday launched its new global brand, Denizen, in Shanghai. With echoes of the words denim, citizen and netizen, the five-pocket jeans are aimed at 18-29 year olds in emerging markets. Terence Tsang, head of the new brand, said it was the first time Levi's launched a new global brand outside of the U.S. Levi's joins a growing number of western companies taking extra steps to court Asian consumers by tailoring their brands for those markets. 據英國《金融時報》報道,美國牛仔褲文化的象征李維斯昨日在上海推出新的全球品牌Denizen。Denizen是英文牛仔斜紋布、公民和網民的結合,這種5個褲兜的牛仔褲面向新興市場18歲至29歲人群銷售。該新品牌主管特倫斯表示,這是李維斯首次在美國之外發布新的全球品牌。像越來越多的西方公司一樣,李維斯正采取更多措施,讓自己的品牌迎合亞洲市場,以吸引亞洲消費者。
Nokia explosion kills Indian youth 印度青年因手機爆炸死亡
An Indian man was killed when his Nokia handset exploded in his face, according to the Times of India. Gopal Gujjar, 23, was found dead on Aug. 16 with burns to his left ear, neck and shoulders, with pieces of a Nokia 1209 scattered nearby close to a farm in Bandha Village near the city of Kota in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan. The Nokia website says this cellphone model was launched in August 2008, and is popular in the low-end market in Asian countries. 據《印度時報》消息,一名印度男子16日在使用諾基亞手機進行通話時,手機突然在其面部發生爆炸,造成其當場死亡。這名男子名叫戈帕爾?古加爾,今年23歲,事發地點位于印度北部拉賈斯坦邦的哥達市附近。他的左耳、頸部和肩膀處均有燒傷,諾基亞1209型手機的碎片散落在他的周圍。諾基亞官網信息顯示,諾基亞1209是一款2008年8月推出的機型,在亞洲地區低端市場較受歡迎。
Moscow bans vodka sales after 10pm 莫斯科晚十點后禁售伏特加
From the beginning of September, Moscow's supermarkets, shops and kiosks are not allowed to sell vodka from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m., the Telegraph reported. Russian officials estimate that 500,000 people die of alcohol-related reasons every year, while President Dmitry Medvedev has declared Russia's drinking problem "a national disaster." The new ban is unlikely to affect more affluent Russian drinkers, however, as vodka will still be freely sold late into the night at restaurants and bars that serve food. 英國《每日電訊報》報道,從9月份開始,莫斯科的超市、商店以及茶點亭將不得在晚十點至早十點之間出售伏特加。據官方估計,俄羅斯每年約有50萬人因酗酒死亡。俄羅斯總統梅德韋杰夫也曾表示說,該國的飲酒問題已成為一場“國家災難”。報道稱,由于飯店和賣食品的酒吧依然可以在深夜自由出售伏特加,該禁令將不大可能影響到那些比較富有的飲酒者。

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