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Daily News 2010-08-16

Students found to have had sex during term time or who have relationships with married people may be expelled, South China Normal University (SCNU) has warned.

Students found to have had sex during term time or who have relationships with married people may be expelled, South China Normal University (SCNU) has warned.
College to expel students over sex 大學生當“二奶”將被開除
Students found to have had sex during term time or who have relationships with married people may be expelled, South China Normal University (SCNU) has warned, according to cnr.cn. Hearings will be held before any punishment and students will have the right to appeal. The new regulation drew heated debate among students and others. Students say the university is making a mountain out of a molehill and that it will be impossible to enforce the rules. But SCNU is not alone. Chongqing Normal University has similar regulations, saying students will be expelled if they provide escort services, become an "Er Nai" or "second wife", take a mistress, or have a one night stand. 據中廣網報道,華南師范大學上月就學生發生性關系和破壞他人婚姻發出嚴厲警告:同居或與已婚人士保持“特殊關系”、破壞別人婚姻的學生會被開除學籍。學校在做出任何懲罰前都會舉行聽證,學生有權申訴。此規定一出,立即引起了高校學生和社會的熱議。華師大學生有的認為學校小題大做,有的則認為這樣的規定執行起來很難。無獨有偶,重慶師范大學此前也已試行類似的規定,“發現當三陪、當二奶、當二爺、搞一夜情的將開除學籍”。
Men jailed for stealing QQ ID 男子盜QQ號獲刑
A court has jailed two men for stealing QQ IDs, the Guangzhou Daily reports. Defendents Zhu and Yuan were found guilty of invasion of a citizen's right to freedom of correspondence. Zhu was sentenced to 1 year and Yuan to 11 months. The court found that between July and September 2006, Zhu illegally extracted several QQ IDs from the Tencent system and made an agreement with Yuan to sell the IDs online. 據 《廣州日報》報道,兩男子因盜竊QQ號被判刑。被告人朱某和袁某被判處侵犯通信自由罪,其中,判處朱某有期徒1年、袁某有期徒刑11個月。經法院審理查明,2006年7月至9月期間,朱某通過非法技術手段秘密竊取了騰訊公司系統放出的QQ號碼,并與袁某約定由袁某在網上代為銷售牟利。
Background: Last April, Chen Xuejun from Jiangsu Province reported to police in the Hi-tech Zone in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province that 46 QQ IDs worth a total of 600,000 yuan had been stolen from him. He had bought one of the QQ IDs - 98888 - for 150,000 yuan. 案件回放:去年4月,專程從江蘇趕來的年輕人陳學軍向深圳市公安局高新技術園區派出所報案,他丟失了46個QQ號,涉案金額高達60萬元人民幣,其中一個“98888”的QQ號就花了陳學軍超過15萬元人民幣。
China's economy passes Japan's 中國經濟超日本 全球第二
After three decades of spectacular growth, China overtook Japan in the second quarter to become the world's second-largest economy behind the United States, the New York Times reported today. The news came early Monday, when Tokyo said that Japan's economy was valued at about US$1.28 trillion in the second quarter, slightly below China's US$1.33 trillion. Japan's economy grew 0.4 percent in the quarter, Tokyo said, substantially less than forecast. That weakness suggests that China's economy will race past Japan's over the full year. 據《紐約時報》報道,在經歷過去三十多年飛速發展之后,到今年二季度中國經濟已經超過日本,成為僅次于美國的全球第二大經濟體。日本內閣府16日公布的數據顯示,日本經濟二季度增長0.4%,遠低于預期,產出約1.28 萬億美元,略低于中國的1.33萬億美元。日本經濟的疲軟態勢預示,從全年來說,中國經濟也將超過日本。
ABC sets new IPO record 農行上市融資創紀錄
The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) said in a statement Sunday that it had raised an additional US$1.31 billion after fully exercising the over-allotment option on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Xinhua reported. The bank has now raised US$22.1 billion, exceeding Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's US$21.9 billion initial public offering (IPO) four years ago, and setting a new world record for IPOs. 據新華社報道,中國農業銀行15日在一份聲明中表示,其在上海證券交易所行使其超額配股權后,進一步融資13.1億美元。該行的融資規模達到了221億美元,超過了中國工商銀行四年前的首次公開募股規模,即219億美元。這樣,農行的首次公開募股創造了新的世界紀錄。
Afghanistan strikes oil 阿富汗發現大油田
Afghanistan has discovered an oilfield with an estimated 1.8 billion barrels of reserves in the north of the country. The discovery of the basin between the provinces of Balkh and Shiberghan followed a survey conducted by Afghan and international geologists, Jawad Omar, a ministry of mines spokesman, told Reuters. Afghanistan hopes that untapped mineral deposits, valued at US$3 trillion, will help reduce dependence on Western cash. Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Defense estimated the value of Afghanistan's mineral resources at more than US$1 trillion. 路透社報道,阿富汗礦業部發言人賈瓦德?奧馬爾表示,阿富汗本國及國際地質學家在阿北部巴爾赫省與謝貝爾甘省之間的盆地發現了一個大油田,初步估計蘊藏原油 18億桶。阿富汗尚未開采的礦物資源總價值約3萬億美元,當局希望這些儲備能助其減輕對西方國家資金的依賴。而美國國防部曾在年初估計,阿富汗的礦物資源約值1萬億美元。

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