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Daily News 2010-08-26

Australia and Japan were named the most desirable holiday destinations in Asia-Pacific, while Chinese mainland replaced Hong Kong in third place, Reuters reported.

Australia and Japan were named the most desirable holiday destinations in Asia-Pacific, while Chinese mainland replaced Hong Kong in third place, Reuters reported.
China No. 3 Asian holiday spot 內(nèi)地游躋身亞太三甲
Australia and Japan were named the most desirable holiday destinations in Asia-Pacific, while Chinese mainland replaced Hong Kong in third place, Reuters reported. An online poll of 6,714 travelers from 13 key Asia Pacific travel source markets by market research group Nielsen found 40% of respondents would consider going to Australia or Japan in the next two years. Asked to name the most likely destination for their next Asia Pacific holiday, 17% named Australia, 16% Japan and 9% China's mainland. It also found that self-organized travel was the top style for people from the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia. But Chinese holidaymakers were most likely to book packaged group tours. 據(jù)路透社報(bào)道,澳大利亞和日本是游客首選的亞太地區(qū)度假勝地,中國大陸取代香港名列第三。巿場(chǎng)研究公司尼爾森對(duì)來自13個(gè)亞太區(qū)主要旅游巿場(chǎng)的6714名游客進(jìn)行了網(wǎng)上調(diào)查,結(jié)果顯示:40%的受訪者表示未來2年想去澳大利亞或日本;而被問及下次亞太之旅最可能去的地方時(shí),17%的人選擇了澳大利亞,16%選擇了日本,9%選擇了中國大陸。調(diào)查還發(fā)現(xiàn),來自美國﹑英國﹑澳大利亞﹑新西蘭﹑新加坡和馬來西亞的人多喜歡自助游,中國游客則更偏愛團(tuán)隊(duì)游。
Firm to list in Taiwan 大陸企業(yè)赴臺(tái)上市
Taiwan will get a big economic boost from the first mainland Chinese company to sell shares on its stock exchange, highlighting how the island is reaping economic benefits from improving relations across the Strait, Financial Times reported. Yangzijiang Shipbuilding, China's fourth-largest ship maker, is planning to raise NT$3.72 billion (US$116 million) from a Taiwan Depositary Receipt listing Sept. 8, according to the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Yangzijiang's listing also comes at a time when Taiwan is becoming more active internationally after recent dramatic improvements in cross-Strait relations. 據(jù)英國《金融時(shí)報(bào)》消息,首家中國大陸企業(yè)將在臺(tái)灣證交所上市。此舉對(duì)臺(tái)灣將是一大提振,突顯臺(tái)灣正從兩岸關(guān)系的改善中收獲經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。臺(tái)灣證券交易所昨日表示,中國第四大造船企業(yè)揚(yáng)子江船業(yè)擬于9月8日在臺(tái)灣發(fā)行存托憑證,籌資37.2億元新臺(tái)幣(合1.16億美元)。揚(yáng)子江船業(yè)上市之際,也正值臺(tái)海兩岸關(guān)系出現(xiàn)戲劇性改善后,臺(tái)灣在國際上變得更加積極。
Lake under Mont Blanc glacier 勃朗峰下發(fā)現(xiàn)暗湖
French engineers have begun to drain a hidden lake under a glacier on Mont Blanc that threatens to flood the Saint Gervais valley, the BBC reported. The lake, containing 65,000 cubic metres of water, is capable of flooding the valley in 15 minutes. The area is a popular tourist resort and home to some 3,000 people. Warmer temperatures are believed to have helped create the lake by melting surface snow, but a cold snap may have frozen its natural drainage routes. French engineers are drilling a hole into the ice to pump the water away. Locals have also been briefed on an evacuation plan. 根據(jù)英國廣播公司消息,法國工程師已經(jīng)開始為勃朗峰圣熱瓦山谷一處冰川下的暗湖“放水”,以消除洪水威脅。暗湖容納6.5萬立方米的水,可以在15分鐘內(nèi)淹沒山谷。該區(qū)域是一個(gè)受歡迎的旅游勝地,有三千左右居民。據(jù)信,天氣變暖造成了表面冰層融化,但隨后的冷空氣凍結(jié)了冰水自然流淌的路線。法國工程師正在冰層上鉆洞,用泵將湖水排出。當(dāng)?shù)鼐用褚捕急桓嬷司o急情況下的撤離計(jì)劃。
Pea sized frog found on Borneo 東南亞發(fā)現(xiàn)最小青蛙
Scientists have discovered a frog the size of a pea, the smallest in Asia, Africa or Europe, on the Southeast Asian island of Borneo, Reuters reported. Adult males of the new micro-species range in size from 10.6 millimeters to 12.8 millimeters, and the amphibian has been named Microhyla nepenthicola after the plant on which it lives, according to taxonomy magazine Zootaxa. The mini frogs were found on the edge of a road leading to the summit of GunungSerapi Mountain in Kubah National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia. The scientists said they tracked the frogs by their call, a series of "harsh rasping notes" that began at sundown. 路透社消息,科學(xué)家在東南亞的婆羅洲島上發(fā)現(xiàn)體形只有豌豆粒大小的青蛙,這在亞洲、非洲還是歐洲都是最小物種。這種新微型物種的成年雄性只有10.6到12.8毫米長,分類學(xué)雜志《動(dòng)物分類學(xué)》稱這種兩棲動(dòng)物根據(jù)其賴以生存的植物已被命名為豬籠草姬蛙。此種小蛙是在馬來西亞沙撈越州庫巴國家公園中通往思拉彼山頂峰的公路邊發(fā)現(xiàn)的??茖W(xué)家說日落時(shí)分,這種蛙會(huì)發(fā)出一種“刺耳的尖叫聲”,他們順著這種叫聲找到了小蛙。
Google adds calls to Gmail 谷歌郵箱可打電話
Google Inc. said users of Gmail will now be able to call home phones and mobile phones directly from their email, Reuters reported. Google promised free calls to US and Canadian phones from Gmail for the rest of this year and said it would charge low rates for calls made to other countries. Calls to Britain, France, Germany, China and Japan will be as low as 2 cents per minute. 據(jù)路透社報(bào)道,谷歌公司宣布Gmail用戶現(xiàn)在可以從他們的郵箱直接呼叫固定電話及移動(dòng)電話。谷歌保證在今年剩余的幾個(gè)月里從Gmail打給美國和加拿大的電話都是免費(fèi)的,并表示對(duì)于打給其它國家的電話會(huì)收取很低廉的費(fèi)用,打給英國、法國、德國、中國、日本每分鐘只要2美分。
Turkey riskiest place for web surfers 土耳其網(wǎng)絡(luò)最危險(xiǎn)
According to a study just released by security company AVG, Internet users in Turkey have the greatest chance of being attacked by viruses, with one in 10 web surfers falling prey to an attack, China News Service reported. Sierra Leone, Niger and Japan are the safest countries, with a one out of 696, one out of 442, and one out of 404 chance, respectively. The US, UK and China are ninth, 30th and 79th, respectively, on the list of countries most prone to virus attacks. 中新社消息,根據(jù)網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全公司AVG最新公布的資料,土耳其是網(wǎng)絡(luò)病毒攻擊最頻繁的國家,平均每10名上網(wǎng)者中就有一人成為網(wǎng)絡(luò)攻擊的受害者。塞拉利昂、尼日爾和日本則是上網(wǎng)最安全的國家,用戶被攻擊的幾率分別是1/696、1/442和1/404。 美國、英國和中國分別排在“最易受攻擊國家”這一列表的第9、第30和第79位。

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