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Explanation on draft amendment to electoral law


9) On the procedures for accepting the resignation of deputies 


Article 49 of the Electoral Law stipulates the procedures for deputies to resign. Some localities have pointed out that the Electoral Law fails to stipulate who should accept deputies' resignation and which procedures should be followed when deputies resign; therefore, there is no unanimous practice among localities. They suggest relevant supplementary provisions be added. In view of the above, we propose the following provision be added as related supplementary content. With regard to deputies to the people's congresses elected through indirect elections, "The acceptance of resignations by standing committees shall be subject to a majority vote by their members. Resolutions on accepting resignations shall be submitted to the standing committee of the people's congress at the next higher level for the record and for announcement." With regard to resignations of deputies to the people's congresses at the county or township level, the standing committees of the people's congresses at the county level or the people's congresses of townships may respectively accept their resignations. "The acceptance of resignations by standing committees of the people's congresses at the county level shall be subject to a majority vote by standing committee members. The acceptance of resignations by people's congresses of townships shall be subject to a majority vote by deputies to the people's congress. After resignations are accepted, an announcement shall be made."(Article 19 of the draft amendments)


10) On investigating and dealing with behavior that disrupts elections



Some members of the NPC Standing Committee and some localities have suggested that in order to promptly and effectively investigate and handle violence, threats, corruption and other behavior that disrupts elections, the organ responsible for investigating and handling such matters and its duties should be clarified. In view of the above, we propose the following provision be added: "The organ presiding over the election or other relevant organs shall, upon finding or receiving a report on acts disrupting an election, investigate and deal with the cases in a timely manner in accordance with the law; where necessary, they shall transfer such cases to the departments concerned for handling." (Article 20 of the draft amendments)


In addition, on the basis of suggestions from some localities and relevant sectors of society, the draft amendments make supplementary improvements to such content as the construction of confidential polling booths, and that a person entrusted to vote on behalf of another person should obey that person's voting wish.


One more issue requires explanation here. Some members of the NPC Standing Committee and localities have proposed that explicit provisions be made on the issue of how the floating population, composed mainly of rural migrant workers in cities, participate in direct elections in the counties or towns where they work. After researching this issue, we believe it involves many areas and is complex. Reform of the residence registration system is proceeding, and the conditions are not yet in place to solve this issue; therefore, the amendments to the Electoral Law will not make provisions at this time. Localities may, in accordance with the guiding principles of the documents regarding the work on elections for new terms of office in people's congresses, take effective measures to ensure the right of the floating population, such as rural migrant workers in cities, to vote and to stand for election.


Fellow Deputies,


In accordance with the principle of "three equalities" and the realities of China's economic and social development, electing deputies to the people's congresses based on the same population ratio in urban and rural areas is an important step in upholding and improving the system of people's congresses and also a major move in developing socialist democratic politics. It will further guarantee the right of urban and rural residents to vote on an equal footing, and promote the continued development of human rights in China. It carries profound historical significance in fully bringing into play the enthusiasm of all sectors of society, in making a unified plan for the balanced development of urban and rural areas, and in promoting social harmony. Let us deliberate the draft amendments to the Electoral Law with a high sense of political responsibility and mission.


I invite you to deliberate the Draft Amendments to the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and local People's Congresses of the People's Republic of China as well as the above explanation.

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