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Explanation on draft amendment to electoral law


2. Other main contents of the draft amendments to the Electoral Law

1.    關于人大代表的廣泛性

1) On the generality of representation of deputies to the people's congresses


Some members of the NPC Standing Committee and some localities have suggested that it should be further clarified that among deputies to the people's congresses at all levels there are a certain number of deputies who are workers, farmers and intellectuals at the primary level. In view of the above, we propose the following provision be added: "Deputies to the NPC and the local people's congresses shall be broadly representative, and there shall be an appropriate number of deputies at the primary level, especially from among workers, farmers and intellectuals." (Article 1 of the draft amendments)


2) On election institutions


Some localities and some deputies have pointed out that election committees are the organizing and leading bodies for the election of deputies to people's congresses at the county and township levels, and they play a vital role in the direct election. 'These localities and deputies also suggest further improving the organizational bodies for elections in accordance with the Provisions for the Direct Election of Deputies to the People's Congresses at or Below the County Level which was adopted by the NPC Standing Committee in 1983. On these grounds, we propose a chapter entitled "Organizational Bodies," which provides specific provisions on the creation, withdrawal, duties, and work requirements of election committees, be added as Chapter II. (Articles 2 and 3 of the draft amendments)


3) On the numbers of deputies to people s congresses of townships and towns


Some localities have pointed out that in recent years large-scale mergers of townships and towns have taken place in some areas and the populations of townships and towns have increased considerably, with some having populations of more than 100,000 or even 200,000 people. The total number of deputies to people's congresses of townships and towns should not exceed 130, as stipulated in the Electoral Law, is clearly too low. In view of the above, we propose to raise the upper limit of the number of deputies to the people's congresses of townships and towns, and revise subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Electoral Law on the upper limit of the number of deputies to the people's congress of a township or an ethnic minority township or town. The provision which reads, "the total number of its deputies shall not exceed 130" is revised to read, "the total number of its deputies shall not exceed 160." (Article 4 of the draft amendments)


4) On the issues of personal information of deputy candidates and of deputies representing two regions


In light of new situations and problems arising during local electoral practices, some deputies and relevant departments have suggested that it should be clearly stipulated that deputy candidates to the people's congresses must submit such information as whether they have obtained a permanent right of abode in a foreign country or a foreign nationality; and that relevant measures should be stipulated for dealing with the case where a deputy provides untruthful personal information, to ensure the voters' or deputies' access to genuine information. It should also be clarified whether a citizen can be a deputy to two people's congresses of different regions. In view of the above, we propose two provisions be added. The first reads, "Recommended candidates for deputies shall provide basic information such as personal identification and a curriculum vitae to the election committee or the presidium of the people's congress. Where a deputy provides untruthful basic information, the case shall be announced to the voters or other deputies." (Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the draft amendments) The second reads, "A citizen shall not be deputy to two or more people's congresses in administrative areas which are not subordinate to each other." (Article 16 of the draft amendments)

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