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Explanation on draft amendment to electoral law


5) On the number of recommended deputy candidates


Some localities have pointed out that when political parties and people's organizations jointly or separately recommend deputy candidates, there are different understandings in practice and different methods regarding whether the number of recommended candidates should be decided on the basis of a competitive election or single-candidate election, and that this should be clarified. In view of the above, we propose the following provision be added: "The number of deputy candidates recommended by political parties and people's organizations either jointly or separately, or by each voter or deputy through signing up as a group for recommendation, shall not exceed the number of deputies to be elected in the electoral district or electoral unit." (Paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the draft amendments)


6) On meetings between deputy candidates and voters


Some localities have pointed out that in primary-level elections, introductions to the backgrounds of deputy candidates are too brief, which affects the enthusiasm of voters. They suggest strengthening the organization of meetings between deputy candidates and voters to increase voters' understanding of deputy candidates. In view of the above, we propose that the relevant provisions of Article 33 of the Electoral Law be revised to read, "Election committees shall, upon request of voters, arrange meetings between deputy candidates and voters to allow deputy candidates to introduce themselves and answer voters' questions." (Article 11 of the draft amendments)


7) On guaranteeing the right to vote of voters and deputies


In light of violations of statutory procedures arising during primary-level elections, such as preventing voters and deputies from freely exercising their right to vote, some localities have pointed out that we should emphasize that electoral work must strictly abide by electoral procedures to guarantee voters and deputies can exercise their right to vote in accordance with the law. In view of the above, we propose the following provision be added: "The election of deputies to the National People's Congress and local people's congresses shall be conducted strictly in accordance with statutory procedures and be subject to supervision. No organization or individual shall, by any means, interfere with voters or deputies in freely exercising their right to vote," (Article 12 of the draft amendments)


8) On organization of the election procedures for voting during direct elections


Some localities have pointed out that in order to facilitate voters in exercising their right to vote, the setup of polling stations and convening of election meetings should be further standardized and the management of mobile polling boxes should be improved. In view of the above, we propose the following provision be added: "Election committees shall set up polling stations and conduct elections based on the distribution of voters in each electoral district and in accordance with the principle of facilitating voters to vote. If the voters live in a relatively concentrated area, the election committee may hold an election meeting to conduct the election. Voters who have difficulty moving around due to illness or other reasons, or who are dispersed over wide areas and transportation for them is inconvenient may cast their votes in mobile polling boxes." (Paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the draft amendments)

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