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Explanation on draft amendment to electoral law

China's top legislature started Monday to discuss granting equal representation in people's congresses to rural and urban people in a draft amendment to the Electoral Law. [Xinhua]

China's top legislature started Monday to discuss granting equal representation in people's congresses to rural and urban people in a draft amendment to the Electoral Law. [Xinhua]


Since implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, China's economy and society have developed rapidly, urbanization has moved ahead unceasingly, and the urban and rural population composition has changed considerably. Based on the new circumstances and new situation, the NPC Standing Committee has made timely improvements to the electoral system and has amended and improved the provisions on electing deputies to people's congresses based on different population ratios in urban and rural areas. When the Electoral Law was revised in 1982, the following provision was added: in counties or autonomous counties which have towns with exceptionally large populations or enterprises and institutions whose workers and staff account for a relatively large proportion, the ratio between the number of people represented by a rural deputy and the number of people represented by a town deputy or a deputy from an enterprise or institution may, subject to a decision by the standing committee of the people's congress of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government, be smaller than four to one, even one to one. When the Electoral Law was revised in 1995, the ratio of rural population to urban population represented by a deputy to the NPC or to the people's congress of the province or autonomous region was amended as four to one, the same as autonomous prefectures and counties. Since 1995, China's industrialization and urbanization have accelerated further, the economic and cultural level in rural areas has increased dramatically, and profound changes have taken place in the social structure. The urban population in China has increased from 29.04% in 1995 to 46.6% in 2009. At the same time, people's congresses at all levels have gone through many terms of elections, accumulated abundant experience, achieved enormous results in developing socialist democratic politics and a socialist legal system, and the class base and mass foundation for the people's democratic dictatorship led by the Party has been consolidated and expanded. The objective conditions are in place for revising the Electoral Law and electing deputies to the people's congresses based on the same population ratio in urban and rural areas.


II. Guiding Ideology and Formation of the Draft Amendments to the Electoral Law


The guiding ideology for the draft amendments to the Electoral Law was: to take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide; thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development; and review practical experiences, improve the electoral system, elect deputies to the people's congresses based on the same population ratio in urban and rural areas, better reflect the principles of equality among people, regions and ethnic groups, spread the people's democracy, ensure the people are the masters of the country, and provide a solid, systematic guarantee for upholding and improving system of people's congresses as well as for developing socialist democratic politics in accordance with the requirements of the Party's Seventeenth National Congress.


We adhered to the following principles when drafting the amendments. One, we maintained the correct orientation, and expanded democracy. The Electoral Law is politically significant. When revising it, we maintained a correct political orientation; intimately integrated the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as the masters of the country, and the rule of law; adhered to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and persisted in proceeding from China's particular conditions and realities. With the noble view that the people's democracy is the lifeblood of socialism, we improved the electoral system, further improved the universality and equality of elections of deputies to the people's congresses, and conscientiously ensured that the people are the masters of the country. Two, we concentrated on key areas and took all factors into consideration. The focus for the amendments to the Electoral Law was to implement the requirement proposed by the Party's Seventeenth National Congress that deputies be elected to the people's congresses based on the same population ratio in urban and rural areas, and at the same time, stay mindful of the other necessary amendments to the Electoral Law. The amendments to the Electoral Law are a self-improvement to and development of the socialist electoral system with Chinese characteristics. The amendments need to be adapted to economic and social development, proceed step by step, and gradually improve. Three, we were active yet prudent, and dealt with each problem separately. We carried out thorough research on widespread problems that arose during the implementation of the Electoral Law, and when conditions are ripe and agreement has been reached, we will implement the amendments accordingly. Regarding problems for which conditions are not yet in place to solve them, we will provide no stipulations for the time being and continue to explore solutions through practice.

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