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Explanation on draft amendment to electoral law

China's top legislature started Monday to discuss granting equal representation in people's congresses to rural and urban people in a draft amendment to the Electoral Law. [Xinhua]

China's top legislature started Monday to discuss granting equal representation in people's congresses to rural and urban people in a draft amendment to the Electoral Law. [Xinhua]


Beginning in 2008, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee set about researching amendments to the Electoral Law based on the work arrangements of the Standing Committee. It studied and sorted out the proposals and suggestions of NPC deputies on amendments to the Electoral Law made in recent years as well as opinions from other quarters; formed investigation teams with the relevant authorities and went to eight provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government to carry out investigations and studies, and held meetings attended by responsible persons of people's congresses of thirty-one provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government and by relevant departments of the central government, with a focus on listening to opinions on the issue of electing deputies to the people's congresses based on the same population ratio in urban and rural areas; and made profound analysis and repeated demonstration with respect to the issue of electing deputies to people's congresses based on the same ratio of population in urban and rural areas. 


The draft amendments to the Electoral Law were formed on the basis of conscientiously sorting out proposals and suggestions of deputies, comprehensive investigations and studies, and listening to a wide range of opinions. In October 2009, the draft amendments were first deliberated at the Eleventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh NPC. After the meeting, the draft amendments were printed and distributed to the relevant departments of the central government, every locality, and relevant quarters for their comments, and revisions and improvements were made to the draft amendments based on the opinions of members of the Standing Committee during their deliberation and the opinions from all quarters. The draft was again deliberated at the Twelfth Meeting of the Standing Committee in December 2009. The draft amendments were fully affirmed and highly praised during deliberation at the two meetings of the Standing Committee. The members of the Standing Committee and the attendants without voting rights universally approved the guiding ideology and main principles for the current revisions and agreed with the amendment proposal that deputies to people's congresses should be elected based on the same population ratio in urban and rural areas, and that an appropriate number of deputies should be guaranteed for each region, ethnic group, and sector of society. After deliberating twice, the Standing Committee decided the draft amendments should be submitted for deliberation and approval at the Third Session of the Eleventh NPC.


On January 8, 2010, the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee distributed the draft amendments to the Electoral Law to NPC deputies as per the statutory procedure. The deputies carried out earnest research and discussions on the draft amendments to prepare for its deliberation. The deputies universally believe that the draft amendments conform to the guiding principles of the Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC, are in accord with the realities of China's economic and social development, can better embody equality among people, regions and ethnic groups, and will help to further spread people's democracy and ensure that the people are the masters of the country. Based on the opinions of Standing Committee members raised during deliberation and the opinions of deputies put forward during their discussion, we made further revisions to the draft; thus forming the draft amendments to the Electoral Law which would be submitted for deliberation and approval at this session.

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