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Understanding China

File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.
File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.


China believes in a balance between rights and obligations. China’s emission per person is 4.6 tons, compared with 20 tons in America and 8.7 tons in Britain. Between 1750 and 2005, developed countries accounted for 80% of the world’s CO2 emissions. Even today, with only 20% of the world’s population, developed countries pump more than 55% of the total emissions into the atmosphere. That is why we support the idea that developed countries should take the lead in emission reduction in Copenhagen according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and that they should increase technology transfer and funding for developing countries. This is ultimately about fairness and equal right to development. 


China’s relationship with the world is still evolving. Greater knowledge of the outside world and greater knowledge by the outside world of China are essential to greater understanding and cooperation between China and the world. China is embracing the world with enthusiasm and English learning has become very popular. 20 million more people take up English learning every year. Olympics was a great promoter and even housewives and taxi-drivers were learning English before the games.


Indeed, the language barrier can be a big factor affecting understanding. To give you an example, an important principle in China’s diplomacy is “Taoguangyanghui”(stay away from the limelight), which was proposed by Deng Xiaoping in the 1990s. It was time of great changes in the world and some people wanted to draw China into the debate in the world about the right and wrongs of the cold war and its related issues.  By quoting a historical proverb, Mr. Deng, wanted to say that we should focus on our own economic development and refrain from attempting things beyond us. This is still a guiding principle for us.


For whatever reason, an American scholar translated it for the Pentagon as “biting the teeth and waiting for the time”. One doesn’t need much imagination to see how this can fuel the China threat theory.


Many misunderstanding of China are to some extent a result of miscommunication. When President Obama was visiting China, some media completely ignored the warm debate among the Chinese bloggers on the Chinese web and media, about China US relations and about China and the world.


In China, there are 2000 newspapers and 9000 magazines. 230,000 books are published every year. There are 360 million internet users including 180 million bloggers. So there is a very lively public expressing their views sometimes positive and sometimes critical on almost everything.


But very few people outside China follow this fast growing information flow. Between China and the Western world, China has always read more about the Western World than vise versa. Chinese translation of Western literature and science has grown in strength since the 1920s and is still very strong and are widely read. It is impossible for Chinese student to enter the university without knowing some British literature and the history of industrialization. Now with more Chinese reading English, you can find shelves of original English books in the bookstores in Chinese cities. However this two way traffic is not evenly matched, as you can find very little about China even in the school and university libraries, let alone in the book shops.


As time moves on we are seeing the older generation of language experts fading away. David Hawkes, a Sinologist at Oxford, who translated the ancient Chinese classic The Story of the Stone passed away last summer. When I visited him at his home last spring, I could not help realizing his loneliness. His great work is little known here. On the Chinese side, the famous Chinese translator who turn many Chinese classics and poems into English, Mr. Yang Xianyi also passed away recently. We now urgently need a new generation of Chinese-English translators to continue the work and efforts of great men like them.


China has stretched out its hand to the world. There are now 282 Confucius Institutes and 241 Confucius Classrooms set up in 87 countries, including in the UK. We are glad that the world is taking China’s hand.


Here in UK, more and more schools are taking up Chinese language teaching. There are about 3000 British students studying in China and 80,000 Chinese students in the UK. I hope more bridges will be built by them. President Obama announced in Shanghai that a hundred thousand American students will come to China in the next four years. Similar measures could also be taken by this country.


Before concluding, I want to say that we appreciate the ESU’s years of effort to cultivate the learning of English in China. What you did decades ago is bearing fruit and you can take some credit for China’s engagement with the world today.


Now the world needs to know China better. I would like to see ESU playing a growing role in this new era and be an indispensable bridge for the partnership between China and the UK and China and the world.



Thank you.

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