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Understanding China
File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.
File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.


However, many people in the Western world find it difficult to understand China. On the other hand, there is also wariness on the part of the Chinese people about the Western world’s intention on China. 


So after all, how can one define China? I’m afraid it defies a simple answer. China is too big, too diverse and too fast changing to be characterized easily. I would say that China is a multi-faceted power.


Let me explain what I mean.

第一, 中國是一個在過去30年中實現高速發展的國家。

First, China is a country that is rapidly transformed over the past 30 years. China’s leapfrogging progress can be seen in the following figures:


In 1996, China’s GDP was 1 trillion Yuan, that was about 100 billion Pounds. In 2008, it grew to20 trillion Yuan (2 trillion Pounds). This means that in 13 years’ time, the Chinese economy has grown 20 times, turning into the 3rd largest economy in the world. The national wealth created in one day in 2008 was larger than the total annual output of 1952. With the newly gained wealth, China has lifted 250 million people out of poverty in the past 30 years. So when I read the UN hunger report, I do feel proud for what China has achieved, with only 7% of the world’s arable land feeding 20% of the world’s population.


Throughout China’s long history, food was always a big concern for the Chinese people and I remember that until the 1980s, the Chinese people greeted each other by asking “Have you had your meal?” But for my daughter’s generation, if you greet them in this way, they might think you have a problem.


Naturally, China is still learning and adjusting to its new global role, as it lacks historical experience of operating on the global stage and also it is still very much preoccupied by domestic concerns and challenges.


That lead to my second point, China is still a developing country. We in China are more conscious of our weaknesses and the challenges facing our country.

中國人均GDP剛達到3000美元多一點,居世界104位,排在牙買加和納米比亞之后。而英國的人均GDP是中國 13倍。各位是否還記得英國歷史上哪一年處于同樣的收入水平?根據英國經濟學家安格斯·麥迪森的測算,那要追溯到1913年。

People tend to forget that China’s GDP in per capita term is only a little more than 3,000 dollars, ranking us as 104th in the world. We are behind countries like Jamaica and Namibia. UK’s per capita GDP is 13 times higher than China. I wonder if you remember when in history the United Kingdom was at this income level? According to British Economist Angus Maddison: It was as far back as 1913.


China’s manufacturing is at a fairly low value added level and most of the made in China products are made with the world as the design and key parts are often imported. We may have to export a container full of shoes and socks to pay for a tiny computer chip.


China also faces the serious challenge of uneven development. Many foreigners come to vibrant Beijing or Shanghai and think they have seen China. But for those who have visited China’s far west, will have a different experience and understanding. China is still in the early stage of industrialization and urbanization, with sixty five percent of its people live in the rural areas. You may be surprised to know that one hundred and thirty five million Chinese people live under less than one dollar a day.  We can’t be conceited with what we have achieved. This is why Chinese leaders often say that we need to be aware of the difficulties and risks, even when we are enjoying stability and prosperity.


That is not to say that China should ignore the growing expectations in the world for China to take on global responsibilities. So my third point is about China learning to undertake new international responsibilities.

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