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Survey: Household income increasing while savings rate declines

瑞信一項關于中國消費者的調查顯示,過去五年內中國家庭平均收入大幅提升,而儲蓄率卻有所下降,《北京青年報》113報道。 A Credit Suisse survey of Chinese consumers shows that average household income has increased over the past five years, while the average saving rate has decreased, Beijing Youth Daily reported on January 13.
中國家庭收入貧富差距日益加大的問題在本次調查中頗為突出。盡管所有的收入群體在過去的五年內收入都有所增長,但富人的增長率是窮人的五倍。 The survey results were a stark reminder of China’s growing inequality gap between the rich and poor. While all income groups saw their incomes increase, wealthy families had an increase five times that of the poorest households.
受訪者中處于最上層10%家庭的收入占所有受訪者總收入的35.7%,而在2004年的調查中,該比例為24.3%。他們2009年的收入較2004年增長了255%,達平均每月人民幣3.4元(4980.2元)。 The income of the top 10 percent of households accounted for 35.7 percent of the total income, up from 24.3 percent in 2004. Their income rose 255 percent to 34,000 yuan (US$4,980.2) a month since 2004.
同時,中產階級的收入自2004年以來增長了98%,而處于最下層20%的受訪者家庭收入增長50%,而這可能是因為農業利潤的提高。 In contrast, the middle class had a 98 percent increase in income since 2004, while the bottom 20 percent of households saw their income rise 50 percent – most likely because of the growth in agricultural profit.
家庭儲蓄占比下降一半 Family saving rate declined half
中國一直以來以高儲蓄率著稱,家庭儲蓄率在全世界名列前茅,但調查顯示這一指標正在下降,中國家庭的平均儲蓄率從2004年的26%下降到2009年的12%。 China’s high savings rate, among the highest in the world, is showing signs of decline, according to the survey. The average savings rate of the families surveyed fell to 12 percent of disposable income in 2009 from 26 percent in 2004.
瑞信預計,到2020中國消費總額將從2009年的1.72億美元增長到15.94萬億美元, 屆時,其在全球消費總額中的占比將從2009年的5.2%增長到23.1%,成為全球最大的消費市場。 Credit Suisse predicts China’s total consumption will increase from US$1.72 trillion in 2009 to US$15.94 trillion in 2020. By then, China’s rate in global total consumption will increase from 5.2 percent to 23.1 percent, becoming the largest consumer market in the world.
首次購房者將成房地產市場主要買家 First-time apartment buyers will become main consumers in real estate market
由于中國家庭收入和支出的增長,瑞信預計中國家庭對于奢侈品的需求會有所增加。首次購房者的購房需求在不久的將來有可能超過住房升級需求。更多人居住在租賃住房及商品住房中,繼承性住房及職工分配住房比例下降。 As Chinese families become wealthier and spend more, Credit Suisse expects them to buy more luxury goods. The housing demand from first-time buyers will likely surpass those who are looking for better apartments in the near future. Chinese are increasingly renting commercial apartments, while the percentage of inherited or allocated apartments from companies and public institutions has declined.
調查還顯示中國城鎮地區的汽車保有比可能在2015年超過50% The survey also showed that more than 50 percent of Chinese urban residents will have cars by 2015.

The survey was conducted between October and November 2009 on 2,700 families in eight cities.

(China.org.cn translated by Chen Chen)

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