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Toast by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the new year reception

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the new year reception held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, December 20, 2009.

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the new year reception held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, December 20, 2009.



December 20, 2009

Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo,
Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

新年肇始,氣象更新。在這辭舊迎新的美好夜晚,很高興和新老朋友們歡聚暢談,共迎新年。我代表中華人民共和國外交部,并以我個人名義,向各位來賓致以最美好的節日祝福。 The New Year is a time of renewal and hope. I am delighted to join you, friends both old and new, on this beautiful evening to ring the old year out and the new year in. On behalf of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China and in my own name, I wish to extend warmest festive greetings to you all.

The year 2009 has witnessed profound and complex changes in the international scene, brought about by the extremely severe financial crisis. The ever pressing global issues have made countries all the more interdependent, and the call for peace, development and cooperation, which represent the trend of our times, has grown stronger. Multilateralism and democracy in international relations have gained greater popular support, while opening up and cooperation for win-win progress have become the shared aspirations of the international community.

2009年對中國來說是極不平凡的一年。我們迎來了新中國成立60周年和新中國外交60周年。60年來,特別是改革開放30多年來,中國的面貌發生了歷史性變化,中國同世界的前途命運更加緊密相連。中國通過爭取國際和平環境發展自己,又通過自己的發展來促進世界和平與發展。面對國際金融危機、氣候變化、糧食安全、能源資源安全、公共衛生安全、恐怖主義等全球性挑戰,中國積極參與有關國際合作,發揮了重要建設性作用,我們與世界各國的友好關系也在共同應對危機和挑戰的過程中得到鞏固和加強。 For China, this has also been an eventful year. We celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and New China's diplomacy. Over the past six decades, particularly the past three decades or more since reform and opening up, historic changes have taken place in China, and China's destiny is now more than ever closely linked with that of the world. We are working hard to foster a peaceful international environment conducive to our development and contribute to world peace and development with our own progress. China has played an active and constructive role in the international endeavor to tackle global challenges, ranging from the international financial crisis to climate change, and from food, energy, resources and public health security to terrorism. China's friendly ties with other countries have been further consolidated and strengthened through our joint response to challenges.

China's achievements would not have been possible without the support of you, diplomatic envoys and other friends present. I wish to take this opportunity to express heartfelt thanks to all the diplomatic envoys and your spouses for your hard work and valuable support over the past year. My sincere thanks also go to all the friends who have been committed to promoting the friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and people of the whole world.

2010年將是世界經濟企穩復蘇和國際體系改革的關鍵之年,也是中國實現“保穩定、促發展”的關鍵之年。國際形勢有望保持總體穩定,但各種風險和動蕩因素依然存在。我們將把保持經濟平穩較快發展和加快經濟發展方式轉變有機統一起來,在發展中促轉變,在轉變中謀發展,我們將始終不渝走和平發展道路,始終不渝奉行互利共贏的開放戰略,始終不渝謀求和平的發展、開放的發展、合作的發展。我們將繼續與國際社會一道,堅定信心,通力合作,攜手應對各種全球挑戰,共同促進世界和平與發展。 The year 2010 will be crucial for the recovery of the global economy and reform of the international system. It will also be crucial for China's effort to ensure stability and promote development. The international situation is expected to remain stable on the whole, yet various risks and factors of turbulence will persist. We will work to maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth, and at the same time speed up the transformation of the economic development pattern so that our effort on these two fronts will reinforce each other. We will remain committed to the path of peaceful development and the win-win strategy of opening-up, and pursue development that is peaceful, open and cooperative. We will continue to work with the rest of the international community to tackle various global challenges with full confidence and jointly advance world peace and development.
在這里我還想特別提及,明年我們將迎來上海世博會的召開。在各方大力支持和積極配合下,各項籌備工作正在緊鑼密鼓地順利開展。我們期待著各國在世博會的精彩展示,也熱情歡迎各國領導人和人民利用這個難得的機會,到上海及中國各地多走走,多看看。為此,今晚上海交響樂團還將獻給朋友們一臺精彩紛呈的演出。 I want to mention in particular here that the Shanghai World Expo will open next year. Thanks to the strong support and enthusiastic cooperation of all parties, preparations for the Expo are well on track. We warmly look forward to splendid exhibitions from the countries you represent and sincerely hope that your leaders and people will seize this rare opportunity to visit Shanghai and other parts of China and see more of the country. To this end, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra will present to you a brilliant performance this evening.


Time and tide wait for no man, and only diligence and perseverance will be rewarded. We hope to continue our good cooperation with you in the coming year. Let us work together for world peace, stability and development.


I now propose a toast,


to the steady progress of the mutually-beneficial cooperation and friendly relations between China and other countries of the world, and to a happy new year for all of you present this evening.




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