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China's pathway towards a low carbon economy and society

意見領袖集聚聯合國開發計劃署哥本哈根邊會 探討中國的低碳道路


Opinion leaders get together in Copenhagen to debate policy options for China

As the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen enters the homestretch, government leaders, heads of international organizations, and academics gathered at a side event to debate China’s political and economic shift towards a low carbon model of growth. The event drew upon the preliminary results of China’s forthcoming 2009/10 National Human Development Report (NHDR), entitled, China’s Pathway Towards a Low Carbon Economy and Society. 

聯合國開發計劃署署長海倫克拉克在會上表示:在哥本哈根達成的任何協議不僅要公平、全面、雄心勃勃,以實現減排、降低碳密集生產和消費為目標,同時也必須惠及發展——即幫助發展中國家適應氣候變化的影響、減少森林退化、尋求低排放和清潔能源的發展。” “Any deal reached here in Copenhagen must not only be fair, ambitious, and comprehensive, leading to reductions in emissions and less carbon intensive production and consumption. It?must also?be a good deal for development too, supporting?developing countries to adapt to the impact of climate change, reduce deforestation, and pursue low-emissions and clean energy growth,” said Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator while addressing the event.


The China NHDR 2009/10 is developed by UNDP China and Renmin University. One of the many interesting findings of this report suggest that some of the more economically advanced provinces in China are the least carbon intensive while those which have a lower income and lower human development indicators have higher carbon emissions patterns. This indicates that human development does not necessarily need to be accompanied by increases in greenhouse gas emissions. A more sustainable and low carbon development path, and one which is compatible with advancing human development goals, is indeed possible. While past economic and social progress in China and elsewhere has come at a certain cost, including to the environment, future developments can follow a different trajectory.
聯合國駐華系統協調代表兼聯合國開發計劃署駐華代表馬和勵在會上強調了聯合國開發計劃署在幫助推動中國向低碳模式轉型的決心。馬和勵表示:聯合國開發計劃署將繼續與中國合作,致力于應對氣候變化帶來的挑戰,并朝著建立一個綠色經濟、低碳經濟和循環經濟的目標而努力。比如,我們協助中國政府提高工業和建筑業的能效,并幫助國家氣候變化政策在地方的實施。 Khalid Malik, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China, underscored UNDP’s commitment to helping facilitate China’s progress towards a low carbon model. “UNDP is collaborating with China in dealing with the challenges of climate change and working towards a green economy, a low-carbon economy, and a circular economy. We are doing this by, for instance, promoting energy efficiency in industry and buildings, and supporting the implementation of the National Climate Change Policy at the local level,” said Malik.
克拉克進一步表示:中國在國際事務中發揮越來越重要的作用,同樣可以在推動全球可持續發展上扮演更重要的角色。中國已擁有經驗和技術來幫助其他發展中國家應對發展挑戰,其中包括適應和減緩氣候變化。 “As it plays an ever more important part in global affairs, China can also play an increasingly important role in advancing sustainable development around the world. China also has the experience and technology available to address challenges in other developing countries, including those related to adapting to and mitigating climate change,” commented Clark.
出席此次邊會的其他高層人士包括:中國國家發展改革委員會副主任、中國代表團團長解振華,聯合國氣候變化政府間專門委員會主席拉津德帕喬里,美國加利福尼亞州州長阿諾德施瓦辛格,中國國家人口和計劃生育委員會副主任趙白鴿,挪威環境與發展大臣索爾海姆,聯合國環境規劃署執行主任阿齊姆施泰納,壹基金創始人李連杰,中國人民大學教授、2009/10年中國國家人類發展報告主要作者鄒冀、中國社會科學院城市發展與環境研究中心主任潘家華,斯德哥爾摩國際環境研究院執行院長約翰洛克斯特略姆,德國波茨坦氣候影響研究所所長謝爾洪伯教授等。 Other high-level participants in the side event included Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Vice-Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission and Head of the Chinese Delegation, Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, Zhao Baige, Vice-Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission in China, Erik Solheim, Minister of Environment and Development for the Government of Norway, Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Professor Pan Jiahua, Director of the Centre for Urban Development and Environment at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, Professor Johan Rockstrom, Executive Director of the Stockholm Environmental Institute, Jet Li, renowned actor and Founder of the One Foundation, Prof. Zou Ji, Renmin University and Lead Author of the 2009/10 NHDR, and Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Following the discussions, panelists participated in a bicycle ride to highlight the importance of using environmentally friendly transportation and advocate for simple solutions to low carbon development.


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