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Understanding China

File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.
File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.


As the Chinese President Hu Jintao remarked, China’s destiny has never been so closely linked with the destiny of the world. 


One of the reasons why the rise of China was such a hot topic is that, many people, especially scholars can’t be certain how China is going to exert its influence as a new world power and would China too fall into the track of military expansion of the previous powers.


What I want to say is that China being an economic power is not new to the world. It was the most important economic powerhouse for hundreds of years before the 18th Century. Its manufacturing was at times more than half of the world’s total. However, expansionism was not in China’s cultural genes. In Dynasty after dynasty, the Chinese built up the Great Wall to fend off the nomadic tribes.


Coming into the 21st century, China gained economic growth mainly through active trading with the world and by benefiting from a relatively peaceful world environment. Today we live in a globalised world with an unprecedented degree of interdependences among countries and the convergence of their interests. That is why China set the tone for its relationship with the world as: peace, development and cooperation.

美國(guó)國(guó)務(wù)卿希拉里訪問(wèn)中國(guó)的時(shí)候采用了一個(gè)中國(guó)成語(yǔ) 同舟共濟(jì),這個(gè)成語(yǔ)表現(xiàn)了時(shí)代的精神,反映了金融危機(jī)中,中國(guó)與美國(guó)以及歐洲國(guó)家關(guān)系的狀態(tài)。

Secretary Hillary Clinton, when visiting China, captured this spirit of the times with a Chinese idiom “fighting the storm in the same boat”. This accurately depicts the nature of China’s relationship with the United States, Europe and all other countries amidst the financial crisis.


In 1992 when I was serving with a UN peace keeping mission, I was always asked are you from Korea or Philippines? Now, among the P5, China is the largest troop contributing country to the UN peace keeping missions worldwide, totaling 14 000. China has also been a serious contributor to global poverty reduction and development efforts. China-Africa relationship is a good case in point.


Premier Wen Jiabao announced at the recent China-Africa Cooperation Forum a series of assistance to African countries. Apart from offering concessional loans and removing debts, China will also build 50 new schools, train 1,500 headmasters and teachers, and give 5,500 scholarships. China and UK are also exploring possibilities working together on some of the African projects.


Now, with the Copenhagen Conference heating up, I should also mention China’s role in the global fight against climate change. China believes in the need for cutting emission to counter global warming. We are experiencing more bouts of extreme weather. The fast economic growth has also resulted in serious environmental damages which urgently need to be addressed.

中國(guó)雖然仍然是一個(gè)發(fā)展中國(guó)家,也自愿采取了降低排放強(qiáng)度的措施,并制定了到2020年進(jìn)一步將單位GDP碳強(qiáng)度降低40-45%的目標(biāo)。中國(guó)將把森林覆蓋面積擴(kuò)大4000萬(wàn)公頃,相當(dāng)于英國(guó)國(guó)土面積的1倍半。據(jù)國(guó)際能源署估計(jì),如果中國(guó)到2020年能兌現(xiàn)上述目標(biāo),二氧化碳排放量將減少 10億噸,這將是一個(gè)了不起的成就。

Though a developing country, China started voluntary reduction of its emission intensity and set new targets for 2020 to further reducing its carbon intensity per unit of GDP by 40-45%. China will also continue to expand forest coverage by 40 million hectares, that is bigger than one and half times the size of UK. According to the International Energy Agency, if China fulfils its target for 2020, it will have reduced its emissions of CO2 by 1 billion tons. That will be a great achievement.


But when discussing climate change, the issue in not only related to facts and figures, there is also the human dimension. Imagine when electricity reaches a Chinese village, not only are the farmers able to drill deeper for water, but also their children would be able to watch TV for the first time and see the wonderful outside world. They of course will dream about a better life and all the things that come with it.


Who are we to tell them that they have no right to the kind of life in Shanghai or London they see on TV? China’s difficult mission is to enable all of our 1.3 billion people to have the opportunity to realize their dreams, but to achieve it in an environmentally responsible way. The only way we will make that leap is through investing in science and technology.

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