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Home > Colorful Guizhou

Enlightenment at Longchang

Updated:2021-12-16 | By: Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Enlightenment at Longchang

Longchang is located in Xiuwen County of Guizhou Province. Wang Yangming (1472-1529), a thinker of the Ming Dynasty, was relegated to this place, which turned to be a blessing in disguise since he had an epiphany and opened up a new way of thinking. This is the famous event "Enlightenment at Long-chang" in the Chinese history of thought.

In 1506 (the first year of the Zhengde Era during the reign of Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty), Wang Yangming, demoted for opposing the powerful eunuch Liu Jin, was transferred to serve at a courier station in Longchang. Longchang was located between the domains of two powerful chieftains, so the political situation there was complicated. Danger abounded and life in general was extremely difficult. At one time, he had no alternative but to live in a cave where he spent a lot of time in meditation.

Wang reflected day and night and it dawned upon him that the mind is the key to understanding everything, so he proposed the idea that "the mind is principle". During his stay in Xiuwen County, Wang produced one of his early representative works about the mind, Doctrines to Scholars at Longchang, as well as proses such as Condolence on People Buried in a Foreign Land and On the Shrine of Xiang.

The Yangming Cave, located in the Qixia Mountain to the east of Xiuwen County, was put on the sixth list of national cultural heritage sites by the State Council in 2006. There are several buildings of the Qing Dynasty and many stone inscriptions beside the cave. This is also where Zhang Xueliang was once placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek during the Republic of China period.






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