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Home > Colorful Guizhou

National Ecological Conservation Pilot Zone

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

National Ecological Conservation Pilot Zone

In August 2016, Guizhou was listed as one of the country's first national ecological conservation pilot zones to press ahead with reform and innovation and put in place systems for promoting ecological progress. In September 2017, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Implementation Plan for National Ecological Conservation Pilot Zone (Guizhou), defining the mission of making Guizhou a colorful province of parks. It was also made clear that important progress should be made in the reform for ecological advancement by 2018, with replicable systems established in some important fields. Moreover, the province should put in place sound systems for promoting ecological progress featuring clearly defined property rights, diverse participants, as well as equal emphasis on incentives and constraints by 2020. To date, Guizhou has achieved 34 core institutional outcomes and created a pertinent institutional framework. Thirty of its reform outcomes in 13 aspects have been listed as good practices to be promoted across the country.

Guizhou fully embraces the system of river (lake) chiefs and forest chiefs. It has taken the lead to ban cage culture in all water bodies and fishing in key areas of the Yangtze River Basin. The quality of surface water is generally good. The proportion of days with good air quality in a year in cities above the county level has stayed above 95% and forest coverage has reached 60% in the province.

Guizhou now has 318 protected areas of all kinds, with a total area of 34,387,000 mu (a Chinese unit of area, roughly equal to 0.067 hectare), including 89 nature reserves, 53 wetland parks and 97 forest parks. There are 181 species of wild animals and 79 species of wild plants under prioritized national protection.

The ecological restoration in Guizhou is a miracle. The province's forest coverage was just 9% in 1949, increased to 30.83% in 2000, thanks to afforestation efforts over half a century, and reached 60% in 2020. Compared with the early years of the People's Republic of China, the province's forest area has increased by more than 100 million mu, and the per capita forest area has exceeded 2,000 square meters.

Guizhou has also contributed to global carbon emissions reduction. According to a paper published in the journal Nature, the carbon dioxide uptake by new forests in China's southwest and northeast regions, including Guizhou, has been underestimated. The land biosphere in the southwest region is now the largest carbon sink in China, accounting for about 31.5% of the country's land carbon sinks, far ahead of other regions.







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