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Home > Nuclear Industry

Cooperation in Nuclear Data

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Cooperation in Nuclear Data 

China started international cooperation and exchanges in nuclear data in 1978, and has since established a cooperative relationship with the IAEA, OECD/NEA, and major nuclear data centers and institutions around the world. China shares data with the IAEA's International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centers (NRDC), the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluation (NSDD) and the International Nuclear Data Evaluation Network (INDEN), participates in the activities of the OECD/NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC), and has undertaken many research tasks under those cooperative frameworks. China's involvement also includes hosting various conferences and meetings in cooperation with the international nuclear data community, such as the 14th International Nuclear Data Conference (ND2019) with 508 participants from 32 countries, the IAEA's 26th International Nuclear Data Committee (INDC) Meeting and the International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centers (NRDC) Meeting. China also works with Japan, the Republic of Korea, India and other countries to strengthen cooperation in nuclear data research in Asia. 

Since 1984, China has released a series of Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (CENDL), a large amount of experimental nuclear data obtained by Chinese researchers, and various innovative technologies related to nuclear data measurement and evaluation, as part of China's contribution to the peaceful uses of nuclear data. 


中國自1978年開始對外核數據合作交流,與國際原子能機構、經合組織核能機構以及國際上的主要核數據中心與機構建立了良好的合作關系。中國參加了國際原子能機構的“核反應數據中心協作網”“核結構和衰變數據協作網”和“國際核數據評價協作網”、經合組織 /核能機構組織的“國際核數據評價合作”等國際合作并承擔這些合作項目中的研究任務。中國積極承擔國際核數據界各項活動,承辦了有32個國家508名科學家參加的“第十四屆國際核數據大會”、國際原子能機構“第二十六屆國際核數據委員會會議”“國際核反應數據中心協作網會議”等。中國還與日本、韓國、印度等國一起積極組織、推動亞洲地區核數據研究合作。 


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