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Home > National Defense and Military Development

People's War

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

People's War

People's war refers to confronting foreign aggression or safeguarding national unity by arming and relying on the people. It reflects the people's resolve to protect their own interests. 

The army and the people are the foundation of victory, and the concept that the people's participation in a war ensures victory was developed by Chinese Communists represented by Mao Zedong during the long years of revolutionary wars. It enriches Marxist theory about people's war, and is a doctrine unique to China. Informationized wars are characterized by the blurred lines between peacetime and wartime, war zone and rear area, and combatants and civilians, providing a wide stage for people's war. 

As Xi Jinping reaffirmed, we should never ditch our magic weapon that is people's war, however the environment we find ourselves in changes. Instead we should tap its full potential in the new era by responding to new dynamics and new imperatives, and developing new techniques and tools and incorporating them in our people's war strategy in an innovative manner.   



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