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Home > National Defense and Military Development

A Network-Enabled Information System

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

A Network-Enabled Information System

A network-enabled information system is a complex system based on internet technologies and information management, which is expected to help deliver the strength of synchronized operational systems. They are essential to winning informationized warfare.

In his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping called for improving the military’s joint operations capabilities and its ability to operate in different domains by strengthening network-enabled information systems. Efforts to strengthen network-enabled information systems should be geared toward joint operations. They should enable connected operational elements, shared information, integrated functions and coordinated actions, and reconfigure command systems, force structure, armaments, and logistics services. These efforts help strengthen the capabilities to deter, to fight and to prevail in informationized wars. 



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