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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Further Reform in Defense and Military

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

Further Reform in Defense and Military 

As suggested by Xi Jinping, the need for further reform in defense and military as part of an expanded in-depth national reform program was incorporated in the Decision of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. The move highlighted the importance of this reform to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the realization of the Chinese Dream of national renewal, thus requiring close attention and substantive involvement by the Party and the state.

Addressing a CMC meeting on reform on November 24, 2015, Xi Jinping unveiled a reform plan to remove institutional barriers, solve structural and policy-related problems, modernize organizational structure, update the military force structure and military system with Chinese features, and create a strong military able to win informationized wars and effectively fulfill its missions. Strong armed forces provide indispensable support for achieving the Two Centenary Goals and realizing the Chinese Dream of national renewal.

With Xi Jinping’s personal involvement in guidance and decision-making, defense and military reform has been powering ahead. It is an all-encompassing process, involving fundamental overhauls of the leadership and command system, and changes to the size, structure, and force composition. Military policies and institutions have also been subject to revision.

These changes have injected fresh life into the military and significantly improved its ability to protect national sovereignty, security, and development interests.  




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