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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Arms Control

Updated:2021-11-04 | By:China.org.cn

Arms Control

Arms control is exercised by countries or international organizations through bilateral or multilateral treaties to restrict the development, testing, production, deployment, use or transfer of weaponry systems, or to put a limit on the size of militaries, in order to reduce any risk associated with military presence, and put the use of force under restrictions in case of war. 

China attaches great importance to and actively participates in global arms control process, supports the crucial role of the United Nations, other international organizations and multilateral mechanisms in global arms control, and calls for efforts to strengthen existing multilateral arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation regimes. China endeavors to accommodate other countries' legitimate security concerns and maintain global strategic balance and stability.

On nuclear disarmament, China always advocates the complete prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons. With respect to nonproliferation, China stands firm against the spread of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems, and participates in all international treaties on nonproliferation and related international organizations. 

On prohibition of chemical and biological weapons, China is fully committed to the obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and has established corresponding implementation mechanisms. With regard to prevention of arms race in outer space, the Chinese government calls for peaceful use of outer space, and is opposed to its militarization and any arms race there. 

On conventional weapons control, China strictly abides by its obligations under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and its protocols, including submission of annual national reports reviewing its efforts to implement the Convention and its Protocol on Mines, Booby-traps and Other Devices. 

Regarding transparency in military spending and registration of transfers of conventional arms, China joined the UN Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures in 2007 and resumed submission of annual reports to the UN Register of Conventional Arms the same year in an effort to build trust among countries. 




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