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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Escort Missions in the Gulf of Aden

Updated:2021-11-04 | By:China.org.cn

Escort Missions in the Gulf of Aden

The Gulf of Aden is an important shipping route connecting East Asia - including China - with Western Europe and the east coast of North America, and a vital waterway for Persian Gulf oil shipped to Europe and North America.

As a responsible member of the international community, China dispatched its escort fleet on 33 sailings between 2008 and November 2019, involving a total of 106 warships, 71 helicopters and 27,000 service members, providing escorts for 6,600 Chinese and foreign vessels, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and at the request of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.

China's fleet conducts escort missions in close coordination with other navies and in strict compliance with international law and UN resolutions, and provides emergency assistance to foreign merchant vessels when necessary. Over half of the vessels escorted were foreign vessels.

China's fleet has also conducted joint escort missions, joint exercises, and exchanges with more than 20 other escort fleets, including those from Russia and the US. Other activities include participation in the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines plane, emergency delivery of freshwater to the Maldives, escort missions for vessels carrying Chinese citizens evacuated from Libya, and the safe evacuation of 621 Chinese citizens and 279 nationals of 15 countries from a Yemen port where fighting was going on.



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