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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Resident Work Teams in Poor Villages

Updated:2021-01-14 | By:China.org.cn




Resident Work Teams in Poor Villages

People are the key factor in China's poverty alleviation and elimination. The resident work teams dispatched to help poor villages play an irreplaceable role in targeted alleviation. 

According to the central leadership's Decision on Creating New Mechanisms for Promoting Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development in 2013, dispatching resident work teams was one of the six mechanisms to be adopted across the country. Every poor village would have one resident work team, and every poor household would have one person designated to help them.

At its second plenary meeting in March 2014, the State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development decided to combine the work of resident work teams with the CPC's campaign to educate Party members about keeping close ties with the villagers. Based on a summary of current experience, capable and experienced officials who understood poverty alleviation and were adept at communicating with farmers were dispatched to every poor village in the first half of 2014.

First, the work teams have helped improve village management. Due to a lack of supervision, there had been cases where poverty relief resources were distributed in favor of relatives and friends of village heads rather than to those really in need, which weakened the ties between village heads and villagers and affected the results of poverty alleviation. Since the work team members are all outsiders who have no direct interest connection with the villages, they can take an objective and just stance in village management. The work teams and the village management committees work together in identifying poor households, using relief resources, and developing economic activities, and they supervise each other in this process, thus improving village management.

Second, the work teams have helped with effective mobilization of relief resources. Since these teams come from higher levels of authority, they are better able to mobilize relief resources, and can bring more of such resources to the villages.

Third, the work teams have promoted new economic activities, and supported development and the completion of relief tasks in poor villages. They generally conduct an in-depth analysis of the features of the poor villages and the causes of their poverty, and then work out corresponding plans for infrastructure and cultural facilities and new economic activities. With the support of these teams, the poor villages have adopted relevant tactics and specific plans for individual households.

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