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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Improving Social Security for Poverty Alleviation

Updated:2021-01-12 | By:China.org.cn


社會保障兜底是"五個一批"工程的內容之一,指對貧困人口中完全或部分喪失勞動能力的人,由社會保障來兜底,統籌協調農村扶貧標準和農村低保標準,加大其他形式的社會救助力度,加強醫療保險和醫療救助,將新型農村合作醫療和大病保險政策向貧困人口傾斜。《中共中央 國務院關于打贏脫貧攻堅戰的決定》明確了"兩不愁三保障"的脫貧攻堅目標。"三保障"的目標不僅是扶貧的新定位,也正視并提升了社會保障制度的地位,強化了完善社會保障制度建設的必要性。《決定》要求充分發揮社會保障減貧作用,提出一系列的社會保障減貧舉措,特別強調開發式扶貧和農村低保制度均是中國反貧困的重要戰略舉措,要求做好兩項制度的銜接,2020年前確保貧困地區的低保標準逐步達到脫貧標準。

Improving Social Security for Poverty Alleviation

Improving social security is one of China's five targeted measures employed for poverty alleviation. The government will provide social security for poor people who have completely or partially lost the ability to work, unify the standards of rural poverty alleviation allowance and rural subsistence allowance, and increase other forms of social aid. It will also increase medical insurance and medical aid, and the new rural cooperative medical insurance and the serious illness insurance schemes will extend their scope to benefit the impoverished.

The Decision on Winning the Battle Against Poverty defined China's goals in poverty elimination as assuring the basic needs of food and clothing for those living in poverty and guaranteeing that they have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing. This elevates the importance of social security. The document also rolled out a range of measures for reducing poverty through social security, emphasized development-oriented poverty alleviation and the rural subsistence allowance system as China's strategic measures in the campaign against poverty, and required integration of these two systems to ensure that all poor areas will see the standard of their subsistence allowance match that of national poverty alleviation allowance by the year 2020.

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