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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Long-Term Mechanism for Stable Poverty Elimination

Updated:2021-01-12 | By:China.org.cn




Long-Term Mechanism for Stable Poverty Elimination

Poverty is a state that may last indefinitely. Stable poverty elimination means that the people who have escaped poverty now have more initiative, stable sources of income, and better infrastructure and public services. They are less vulnerable, as they have more ability to manage their own development and improve living standards, and can escape the "poverty pitfall" permanently.

A sound long-term mechanism for stable poverty elimination will help individual households eliminate absolute poverty, promote sustainable economic and social development of poor areas, and stop intergenerational transmission of poverty. While influencing the progress and quality of poverty elimination, it will also be significant to poor areas in maintaining sustainable economic and social development and in mitigating relative poverty after 2020, thus laying a solid foundation for realizing China's second centenary goal by the mid-21st century.

Xi Jinping has demanded action to prevent people from falling back into poverty. He has required follow-up checks at appropriate intervals and timely assistance to any new victims of poverty and those who fall back into poverty. With a long-term mechanism for stable poverty elimination in place, the poor can benefit from economic development, earn more from selling their products and services, receive more training, and find stable jobs other than farming. Assistance will continue after relocation, and the poor will have more confidence in their ability to escape poverty and acquire the skills they need to do so, so that poverty elimination will be sustained through the endogenous initiative of the poor themselves.

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