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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Poverty Registration

Updated:2021-01-12 | By:China.org.cn




Poverty Registration

Poverty registration refers to the filing of electronic information about poor households, villages, counties and contiguous areas of extreme poverty across the country, before a poverty alleviation handbook is distributed to each eligible household. Based on this, a nationwide poverty alleviation information network is being built.

In 2014, a total of 128,000 poor villages with 29.48 million poor households and 89.62 million impoverished people were identified and registered. The government also obtained a general picture of their locations, the causes of their poverty, and their particular needs for poverty elimination. A nationwide unified information system of poverty alleviation was thus built to provide big data for relevant endeavors.

With timely adjustment between 2015 and 2018, the poverty identification and registration databank and assistance account books were further improved. Relevant units can obtain detailed information about the recipients of assistance - the causes of their poverty and their individual needs - and carry out targeted measures to help them and review the results. Likewise, the authorities can better monitor and evaluate progress in poor counties and contiguous areas, and take these as a source of reference for decision-making and performance review.

Poverty alleviation in the big data era requires that a platform be available for the public to learn about and participate in assistance programs, on top of which authoritative, accurate and transparent data are essential. Poverty registration is an ice-breaker in this regard.

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