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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Targeted Poverty Alleviation

Updated:2021-01-11 | By:China.org.cn





Targeted Poverty Alleviation

Targeted poverty alleviation is one of China's greatest theoretical innovations. It is an important component of the central leadership's philosophy of governance.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC has written a new chapter in its fight against poverty in accordance with a series of views and proposals put forward by Xi Jinping. A nationwide battle against poverty has been launched, a system for poverty alleviation has been improved, and the country has achieved the best-ever results in poverty reduction.

China's targeted poverty alleviation is an innovation in poverty governance with a problem-oriented approach and clear goals for poverty reduction. It is a major development in China's governance philosophy and the right approach to ensure success.

Guided by a creative philosophy and precise policies, China has made outstanding progress in poverty elimination. This has exerted a positive and far-reaching influence on its economic and social development that fully demonstrates the practical value of the strategy.

Targeted poverty alleviation has tackled many tough problems in poverty, and increased the impact of development-oriented poverty alleviation. It inspires local management of rural communities and promotes regional development as a whole. It also promotes justice in the allocation of poverty-alleviation resources.

China's creative philosophy and unique approaches are key to its own poverty

reduction; they also offer invaluable experience to international poverty reduction endeavors.

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