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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Poor Villages

Updated:2021-01-11 | By:China.org.cn



Poor Villages

With the completion of the Seven-year Program for Lifting 80 Million People Out of Poverty (1994-2000), the conditions of contiguous poor areas had been notably improved. The remaining poor mainly lived in remote villages with poor transportation and backward economic and social development. To address this problem, China had turned to targeting poor villages as the focus of poverty reduction.

Since 2012, targeted poverty alleviation and elimination have been the overall strategy, so it is essential to determine which villages and households are eligible for state assistance. To this end, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development in 2014 released a Plan for Poverty Alleviation Registration, defining the standards for poor villages. Technically, a village would be labeled as “poor” if its poverty headcount ratio was more than double that of its province, if its per-capita net income was lower than 60 percent of the provincial average in 2013, and if the village had no collective economic earnings.

From April to October 2014, a total of 128,000 poor villages with 29.48 million poor households and 89.62 million impoverished people were identified. The government also gained a clear picture of their locations, the causes of their poverty, and their particular needs for poverty elimination. A nationwide unified information system of poverty alleviation was thus created to provide big data for relevant endeavors.

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