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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Strengthening Party Development in Poverty Alleviation

Updated:2021-01-11 | By:China.org.cn




Strengthening Party Development in Poverty Alleviation

Strengthening Party development in poverty alleviation is a gained experience of China. Xi Jinping has proposed the idea of making Party development and poverty elimination mutually reinforcing, and assessing Party development by the results of poverty elimination.

Rural grassroots Party branches are the bases of the Party's rural work, and they play a decisive role in implementing the Party's plans for development-oriented poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation will advance with the development of grassroots organizations. Concurrently, village management organizations centered on village Party branches will be strengthened. Party branches will be the core that leads villagers to get rid of poverty, better themselves, and maintain rural stability. They will be service-oriented in serving the people, developing the local economy, and improving local living standards.

Promoting poverty elimination by strengthening Party development is an asset in China's poverty alleviation effort. Improving CPC leadership provides a powerful political and organizational guarantee for winning the war against poverty.

First, poverty elimination involves many players, and the CPC leadership helps unify people's thinking and actions, and pool various resources and forces to form great synergy.

Second, the CPC principles of "serving the people and relying on the people" and "being realistic and pragmatic" provide guidance and a mechanism for the effective execution of relevant poverty alleviation policies.

Third, as more officials are mobilized to go to work in the countryside, state policies on poverty alleviation are better implemented at the grassroots level and reach eligible villagers, while the grassroots conditions are also reported to the decision-makers in a timely manner as reference for further improving relevant policies. This work experience at the front line also helps the officials in their own development.

Fourth, grassroots organizations are consolidated. Party branches are the driving forces propelling villagers, poor households in particular, to eliminate poverty and increase their incomes. They play the role of winning public support, pooling public wisdom, and valuing public efforts, maintaining close ties with the people, and enhancing villagers' understanding and support of Party and state policies, thus consolidating the CPC's governing status.

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