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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty

Updated:2021-01-11 | By:China.org.cn




Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty

Intergenerational transmission of poverty is a vicious circle under which conditions and factors that cause poverty are passed down from parents to children, who will inherit these same conditions and factors and pass them down to their children. The phenomenon can also exist in particular communities or social strata, and thus poverty is passed down from generation to generation.

Education is an effective way to prevent intergenerational transmission of poverty. At present, impoverished areas face difficulties in education, and there are many school dropouts from poor families. The idea that "education is useless" is widespread among such people. The gap between the education of children from poor families and that from ordinary families is widening. Education has far-reaching significance to the poor regions, and needs to be addressed with great effort.

Vocational education and training are essential to China's poverty elimination before 2020. If children from underprivileged households can receive vocational education and acquire some skills for future employment, their families will have better prospects of escaping poverty.

National education funds will continue to be weighted toward poor regions, for basic and vocational education, as will the state training program for special posts and national teachers' training program. The conditions of schools in poor areas will be improved, rural teachers will receive more support, and a mechanism will be put in place whereby the provincial government will coordinate the replenishment of rural teachers. Senior high school students from families registered as living under the poverty line will be the first to be exempt from tuition and related fees, students of secondary vocational schools will also be exempt from tuition and related fees, and schools with good education resources in major cities will be paired up with those in poor regions to provide assistance to the latter. Particular care will be given to preschool children of rural poor families and left-behind children whose parents are working away from home, and a system for public services will be set up for preschool education in impoverished areas.

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