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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

The Three-Year Action Plan for Poverty Elimination

Updated:2021-01-11 | By:China.org.cn


中共十九大明確把精準脫貧作為決勝全面建成小康社會必須打好的三大攻堅戰之一,作出了新的部署。從脫貧攻堅任務看,2018至2020年,還有3000萬左右農村貧困人口需要脫貧,其中因病、因殘致貧比例居高不下,在剩余3年時間內完成脫貧目標,任務十分艱巨。中共中央、國務院針對這些突出問題,印發了《中共中央 國務院關于打贏脫貧攻堅戰三年行動的指導意見》,對完善頂層設計、強化政策措施、加強統籌協調,推動脫貧攻堅工作更加有效開展作出全面部署,為各地各部門深入推進脫貧攻堅工作提供了基本遵循。


The Three-Year Action Plan for Poverty Elimination

Poverty elimination was announced as one of the three critical battles (the other two being forestalling and defusing major risks and the prevention and control of pollution) that the CPC vowed to win at its 19th National Congress held in October 2017. About 30 million rural residents are to be lifted out of poverty between 2018 and 2020. This is really a tough task to fulfill within three years, given the large number of people who live in poverty because of illness and disability.

Targeting these problems, the central leadership in June 2018 released a Three-year Guideline on Winning the Battle Against Poverty, providing top-level design, supporting policies and measures, and guidance on coordinating efforts in different localities and government departments.

Detailed tasks are designated in the document, which demands that:

(1) The current criteria for poverty alleviation be applied;

(2) Both targeted poverty alleviation and elimination be followed;

(3) Top priority be given to improving the quality of poverty alleviation work;

(4) The disadvantaged population can acquire necessary knowledge and skills to escape poverty with more confidence;

(5) Development-oriented poverty alleviation be carried out and the basic living needs of rural poor population be met;

(6) The skills of workers assigned to poverty alleviation work be enhanced; and

(7) The whole of society be mobilized to contribute.

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