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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

The Battle Against Poverty

Updated:2021-01-11 | By:China.org.cn




The Battle Against Poverty

Since the launch of reform and opening up in 1978, China has made great economic and social progress. The hundreds of millions of people that China has lifted out of poverty account for over 70 percent of global poverty reduction during the period.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has implemented targeted poverty alleviation and elimination measures, increased input in poverty alleviation programs, and found new ways to achieve results.

From 2013 to 2019, China fulfilled its yearly goals of poverty reduction and helped a total of 93.5 million people emerge from poverty, and the poverty headcount ratio dropped from 10.2 percent to 0.6 percent. All of these represent remarkable achievements.

China has helped more people out of poverty than any other country. It is also the first country in the world to complete the UN Millennium Goal. However, the task remains tough. By the end of 2019, there were 5.5 million people still living in poverty, a significant number of whom lived in remote places or border regions under harsh natural conditions. These represent a significant challenge.

Ensuring that poor people and poor areas enjoy moderate prosperity together with the rest of the country is a solemn promise made by the CPC. The CPC set the task of winning the battle against poverty in its report to the 19th National Congress. It demanded greater efforts to mobilize the energies of the whole Party, the whole country, and the whole of society, and continue to implement targeted poverty alleviation and elimination measures. China will continue the working mechanism whereby the central leadership makes overall plans, provincial authorities take overall responsibility, and city and county authorities ensure implementation, and it will strengthen the system for making heads of Party committees and governments at all levels assume overall responsibility for poverty alleviation.

Poverty alleviation is an all-encompassing campaign. China will pay particular attention to helping people develop confidence in their own ability to lift themselves out of poverty, and ensure that they can acquire necessary knowledge and skills in order to succeed. It will strengthen collaboration on poverty alleviation between the eastern and western regions, and provide focused assistance to areas of extreme poverty.

By the year 2020, three targets must be reached - all rural residents living below the current poverty line are lifted out of poverty, all poor counties get rid of poverty, and overall regional poverty is eliminated. Poverty alleviation should reach those who truly need it and deliver genuine outcomes.

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