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Daily News 2010-09-19

Chinese mainland sends more students to Britain than any other country, with more than 49,000 being enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses in 2008–2009. Numbers could soar in coming years as the British government is forced to cut the higher education budget to pay off the national debt.

Chinese mainland sends more students to Britain than any other country, with more than 49,000 being enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses in 2008-2009. Numbers could soar in coming years as the British government is forced to cut the higher education budget to pay off the national debt.
Int'l students in UK double in 10 years 英留學生中大陸人最多
Some 251,310 students from outside Europe were given places in British universities in the 2008-2009 school year, compared with just 122,150 students a decade earlier, the Daily Telegraph reported. The 106% rise comes amid claims that foreign students -- who can be charged far more than British peers -- are seen as an important source of income. 據英國《每日電訊報》報道,2008-09學年度,英國大學一共招收了251310名歐洲以外的海外學生,而10年前這個數字只有122150人而已,數量增加了106%。海外學生到英國讀大學必須繳納超過英國學生很多的學費,因此海外學生也被視為英國大學重要的財源。
Chinese mainland sends more students to Britain than any other country, with more than 49,000 being enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses in 2008-2009. Numbers could soar in coming years as the British government is forced to cut the higher education budget to pay off the national debt. More foreign students were admitted to British universities on the back of the weak pound last year. 海外學生當中,中國大陸的留學生數量超過任何其他國家。2008-09學年度,英國大學的本科和研究生課程一共招收了49000來自中國大陸的留學生。預計,海外學生人數在未來幾年仍然會持續增長,因為英國政府為了縮小預算赤字不得不削減高教預算。過去一年來,英鎊貶值造成海外留學生人數再度上升。
Untreated water goes into river 渝餐飲船廢水直接入江
Half of the restaurant vessels in Chongqing discharged their wastewater into rivers without any treatment, Chongqing Evening News reported. There are altogether 102 restaurant vessels in Chongqing, but only 40 treat their wastewater. Experts have recently supervised seven of them, only to find that the pollution caused by fecal coliform was most severe, which at most was 420 times higher than the country's standard. It was even more troubling that three restaurant vessels are in a drinking-water area, thus posing a severe health threat. 據《重慶晚報》報道,重慶市半數餐飲船廢水直排入江。目前,重慶市共有102艘餐飲船舶,但只有40艘處理了廢水。 專家最近抽查了7艘船舶監測,發現糞大腸菌群污染最嚴重,最大超過國家標準420倍;更令人擔憂的是,還有3艘餐飲船位于飲用水源保護區內,嚴重威脅飲用水安全。
Mayor's aide bites cop 市長助理動怒張口咬人
Esequiel Lino, an aide to the mayor of Oeiras in Spain, bit a police officer after going to a police station to protest his daughter's car being towed away, Reuters reported. "He started verbally abusing the officers, kicking the desk and was warned several times, but it didn't stop him. He went on and ended up biting one of the officers in the arm, and had to be detained," a police spokeswoman said. The officer was taken to hospital. 據路透社報道,西班牙奧埃拉什的市長助理埃茲奎爾·里諾到警局抗議警察拖走他女兒的車,還咬傷一名警察。警察局女發言人說:“他開口就侮辱警官,還踢桌子。數次警告他都無效。他還繼續鬧,到后來竟然咬了一名警官的胳膊。警局只好拘留他?!痹庖У木俸蟊凰偷结t院。
Limbless Frenchman swims Channel 無肢男橫渡英吉利海峽
Frenchman Philippe Croizon, who has neither arms nor legs, swam the English Channel in 13 and a half hours Saturday, a challenge he had been preparing for two years, AFP reported. Croizon, 42, set off from Folkestone and arrived on the French coast near Wissant, propelled by specially designed flipper-shaped prosthetic legs. "I did it, it's crazy!" an overjoyed Croizon said after arriving in France. In 1994 the metalworker was hit by a 20,000 volt charge from a nearby power line as he attempted to remove a television aerial from a roof. Doctors were forced to amputate his limbs. While recovering in hospital he watched a television documentary about a Channel swimmer and an ambition was born. 據法新社報道,失去四肢的法國人菲力普·科洛松周六用13.5小時橫渡英吉利海峽,為此他準備了兩年。42歲的科洛松從??怂雇ㄏ滤诜▏拷S桑的海岸上岸,他靠腳蹼狀假肢劃水前行。登岸后,科洛松異常興奮,說道:“我成功了!這真帶勁兒!”科洛松是位金屬制造工,1994年在屋頂移動電視天線時,觸及到身邊的輸電線,被2萬伏的電流擊中。醫生不得不截去他的四肢。住院療養時,他看到一部電視記錄片,講述一位游泳健將橫渡英吉利海峽的事跡,從而萌生了類似的想法。
Electricity prices may rise 七省醞釀上調電價
Seven provinces, namely Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu and Hainan, are considering raising the electricity price, according to a report by Citibank released on Sept. 15. Jinan Daily reported that the plan put together by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and state power companies involves raising the factory price of electricity by 0.015-0.03 yuan per kilowatt-hour, or an average increase of 6.2%. 花旗銀行9月15日發布的報告指出,河北、山東、山西、陜西、青海、甘肅和海南7省正準備上調電價。據《濟南日報》報道,國家發改委正與主要電力集團商榷具體的計劃,方案建議上網電價每度上調1.5-3分,平均漲幅6.2%。

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