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Daily News 2010-09-16

Hearses followed an ambulance carrying a woman who had been struck unconscious by a motorcyclist, wanting to know if she had died. 'It was even more hurtful than the accident,' the victim said.

Hearses followed an ambulance carrying a woman who had been struck unconscious by a motorcyclist, wanting to know if she had died. "It was even more hurtful than the accident," the victim said.
Hearses follow the living 殯儀車追著活人搶生意
Hearses followed an ambulance carrying a woman who had been struck unconscious by a motorcyclist, wanting to know if she had died, the Chongqing Times reported. After the motorcyclist ran away, passers-by dialed 120 for emergency medical help. Before the ambulance arrived, workers from a funeral home came in a hearse to take the victim, a nurse surnamed Zhou, away. They were stopped by the passers-by. Zhou was taken to a hospital followed by another two hearses, whose drivers asked if she had died. "It was even more hurtful than the accident," Zhou said. 據(jù)《重慶時報》報道,一名女子被一騎摩托車的人撞暈,上了救護車后竟然被兩輛殯儀車尾隨并打探她是不是死了。報道稱,摩托車逃逸后,路人幫忙報警并打了120。但是在救護車到來之前,卻開來了一輛殯儀車,上面的工作人員想把這位姓周的女護士帶走,遭到路人攔阻。后來,她終于被送到醫(yī)院,卻又有兩輛殯儀車追來問她死了沒有。“這簡直比出車禍還打擊人”,她說。
Harsher punishment on food safety crimes 食品安全犯罪限用緩刑
The Supreme Peoples Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly released a circular on Wednesday urging a "high voltage" crackdown to take place along with more severe punishments for food safety crimes, Xinhua reported. According to the document, in addition to casualties and the amount of money involved, Chinese courts should also weigh in on offenders' subjective culpability, criminal methods and the negative effects their behaviors cause to various markets when sentencing the criminals. Repeat offenders, principals of criminal groups and those resulting in severe harm to people or to large-scale sales should be "strictly" punished in accordance with laws and regulations, the circular instructed. "Those deserving death penalties should be resolutely sentenced to death," it said. "Generally, officials who are involved in food safety crimes should not be given a reprieve or be exempt from criminal punishment." 據(jù)新華社報道,最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、司法部昨天聯(lián)合發(fā)出通知,要求保持打擊食品安全犯罪的高壓態(tài)勢,加大懲治力度。《通知》要求,人民法院對危害食品安全犯罪分子的定罪量刑,不僅要考慮犯罪數(shù)額、人身傷亡情況,還要充分考慮犯罪分子的主觀惡性、犯罪手段、犯罪行為對市場秩序的破壞程度、惡劣影響等。對于危害食品安全犯罪的累犯、慣犯、共同犯罪中的主犯、對人體健康造成嚴重危害以及銷售金額巨大的犯罪分子,要堅決依法嚴懲。通知強調(diào):“罪當判處死刑的,要堅決依法判處死刑;對于與危害食品安全相關(guān)的職務(wù)犯罪分子,一般不得適用緩刑或者判處免予刑罰。”
Transportation insurance for students 學生將獲交通安全保險
The China National Committee for the Well-Being of the Youth announced yesterday a transportation insurance scheme for primary-and middle-school students nationwide to be rolled out over the next 10 years, the Beijing Daily reported. More than 4,000 students die in traffic accidents every year, and tens of thousands are injured. The scheme will be launched in four pilot cities, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, in mid-October. NCI Insurance will cover children involved in traffic accidents that occur on the road between schools and homes, with 100,000 yuan as the highest compensation fee. 《北京日報》消息,中國關(guān)心下一代工作委員會昨日宣布,未來10年內(nèi),交通安全保險將覆蓋全國所有的中小學生。數(shù)據(jù)顯示,每年全國中小學生因道路交通事故死亡4000余人,傷殘數(shù)萬人。從10月中旬開始,該計劃會首先在京津滬渝四大城市試點。這份保險由新華保險承保,保險責任包括上學、放學途中因交通事故所導致的意外傷害,最高賠付金額可達10萬元。
Public bathrooms get rated in Chongqing 重慶星級公廁配空調(diào)
Public bathrooms in Chongqing Municipality will be classified into five star-standard levels, the Chongqing Morning Post reported. All the star-standard public bathrooms will be free and open 24 hours a day. There will not be flies or mosquitoes in them, and they won't smell. Their floors should be anti-skidding. Three-star public bathrooms should be air-conditioned and equipped with special toilets for children. They may also have background music, flowers and bonsais. The walls of the four-star and five-star ones will be decorated with paintings, and the facade of a five-star public toilet will be harmonious with the surroundings. 據(jù)《重慶晨報》報道,重慶市將公廁分為五個星級,所有星級公廁都全天開放,不收費。星級廁所沒有蚊蠅,無異味,鋪有防滑地面。三星級以上廁所裝有空調(diào),設(shè)有兒童小便器,還有鮮花﹑盆景及背景音樂。四星級以上的廁所得有裝飾畫,五星級公廁外觀還要與周邊環(huán)境融為一體。
Even doctors work while sick 醫(yī)生竟然也帶病工作
After polling 537 medical residents at 12 hospitals around the U.S., the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education found that nearly 58 percent of the respondents said they'd worked at least once while sick and 31 percent said they'd worked more than once while sick in the previous year, AP reported. About half said they hadn't had time to see a doctor about their illness. Dr. Thomas Nasca, the accreditation council's CEO, said residents are trained to put patients' needs above their own but also should recognize that if they're sick, their patients' would be better served by having another doctor take care of them. 據(jù)美聯(lián)社報道,美國醫(yī)學研究生教育認證委員會調(diào)查了全美12家醫(yī)院537名醫(yī)生后發(fā)現(xiàn),近58%的接受調(diào)查的醫(yī)生表示過去一年中至少有一次帶病工作,31%的醫(yī)生承認帶病上班的次數(shù)大于一次。大約五成的醫(yī)生表示沒時間看病。認證委員會的首席執(zhí)行官托馬斯·納斯卡醫(yī)生表示,醫(yī)生接受的教育就是要把病患的需求放在自己的需求之上,但是他們也應(yīng)該認識到如果自己生病了,病人還是由其他醫(yī)生照看比較好。
Sex ed in kindergarten 昆明幼兒園嘗試性教育
Kindergarteners in Kunming, Yunnan Province, received sex education yesterday, Yunnan.cn reported. Teachers showed students pictures of girls' and boys' bodies. "Sex-education lessons in kindergartens are brave experiments," said a teacher surnamed Liu. "We hope that kids learn how to protect their bodies. This will surely benefit them all their lives." 據(jù)云南網(wǎng)報道,云南省昆明市昨日開始在幼兒園開設(shè)性教育課程。老師們在課堂上給孩子展示男生和女生的身體圖片。一位姓劉的老師說:“幼兒園的性教育課程是一次大膽的嘗試。我們希望孩子學會保護自己的身體,這些知識會讓他們終身受用。”

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