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Home > Nuclear Industry

Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant 

The Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant showcases the cooperation in nuclear energy development between the Chinese and Russian governments as part of a wider move to boost mutual political trust, expand economic and trade partnership, and strengthen strategic cooperation. The construction of Unit 1 at Tianwan with Russian VVER-1000 technology kicked off on October 20, 1999. Unit 4 became commercially operational on December 22, 2018, marking the completion of the first and second phases of the project, hailed by Chinese President Xi Jinping as "a model of Sino-Russian nuclear energy cooperation". 

An intergovernmental protocol and a framework contract on the construction of units 7 and 8 at Tianwan were signed on June 8, 2018, witnessed by the heads of state of China and Russia. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin witnessed the ground-breaking ceremony of a new bilateral nuclear energy cooperation project, via video link on May 19, 2021. 

Tianwan NPP


田灣核電站是中俄兩國政府加深政治互信、發展經濟貿易、加強國際戰略協作,共同推動中俄兩國核能合作的標志性工程。 1999年 10月 20日,采用俄羅斯 VVER-1000技術建設的田灣核電站 1號機組開工建設; 2018年 12月 22日,4號機組投入商業運行,標志著田灣核電站一、二期工程全面建成,被習近平譽為“中俄核能合作典范項目”。 

2018年 6月 8日,在中俄兩國元首共同見證下,中俄簽署了包括有關合作建設田灣核電站 7號和 8號機組的政府間議定書和框架合同。 2021年 5月 19日,習近平主席在北京通過視頻連線,同俄羅斯總統普京共同見證兩國新的核能合作項目開工儀式。

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