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Home > Nuclear Industry

Gen II+ NPP Fleet

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Gen II+ NPP Fleet 

The Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant was constructed in the 1980s with M310 technology from France. Since then Chinese nuclear power companies have been working to improve on the imported technology with a view to meeting more stringent safety standards. These efforts have led to successful development of CNP1000 and CPR1000, which meet the requirements specified in China's current nuclear safety laws, regulations and standards and comply with the performance, cost-effectiveness and safety requirements for Gen II+ reactors. The domestically developed CNP1000 and CPR1000 technologies have been patented. Among the 49 operating units in China, 31 are CNP1000 and CPR1000 units. These technologies have contributed significantly to large-scale development of nuclear power in China. 

Yangjiang NPP


20世紀 80年代,中國引進法國 M310技術成功建設了大亞灣核電站。在積極學習國外技術的基礎上,中國核電企業按照更高安全要求對 M310技術持續進行改進,成功研發出滿足我國現行核安全法規、標準,兼顧安全性和經濟性,總體性能滿足二代改進型核電站技術要求,具有自主知識產權的百萬千瓦級壓水堆核電機型 CNP1000、 CPR1000。在中國目前已經運行的 49臺核電機組中,中國自主研發的 CNP1000、CPR1000二代改進型機組有 31臺,為中國核電的規?;l展作出了重要貢獻。

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