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Home > Nuclear Industry

?Safe and Reliable Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Safe and Reliable Operation of Nuclear Power Plants 

As of December 31, 2020, there were 49 units in operation on the Chinese mainland. They have been operating safely and reliably for 407 reactor years, with a good safety record. No operational events rated at level 2 or above on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale have ever occurred. The radioactive effluents from the nuclear power plants in operation are far below the limits specified by the state, and the absorbed dose rate in air is within the range of local background radiation levels. Environmental monitoring shows that there has been no significant change in the ambient radiation levels around the nuclear power plants compared with pre-construction levels. In the comprehensive ranking of similar units by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) in recent years, operating units in China have performed above the world median on more than 80 percent of the indicators, and have been at the top level on more than 70 percent of the indicators. In 2020, 28 operating units earned full marks in the WANO composite index, tied for first place with 55 other units in the world. 


截至 2020年 12月 31日,中國大陸在運核電機組 49臺,安全穩定運行 407堆年,未發生過 2級及以上運行事件,保持良好的安全記錄。所有在運核電廠放射性流出物的排放量遠低于國家標準限值,環境空氣吸收劑量率控制在當地本底輻射水平漲落范圍內。環境監測表明,核電廠周圍環境輻射水平與建設前相比無明顯變化。在近年世界核電運營者協會( WANO)同類機組綜合排名中, 80%以上指標優于世界中值水平,70%以上指標達到世界先進值。 2020年,28臺運行核電機組 WANO綜合指數滿分,與世界其他 55臺核電機組并列第一。

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