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Home > Nuclear Industry

Developing Nuclear Power in a Proactive and Planned Manner

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Developing Nuclear Power in a Proactive and Planned Manner 

China's nuclear power industry took shape in the 1980s. As of the end of 2020, there were 49 nuclear power units in operation with an installed capacity of 51,027 MWe, ranking third in the world. In 2020, the cumulative electricity generation from operating nuclear power plants was 366.243 TWh, accounting for 4.94% of the total electricity generation on the Chinese mainland. So far, there have been no events rated at level 2 or above on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. The existing nuclear power units have generally delivered satisfactory performance. There are 16 nuclear power units under construction, with an installed capacity of 17,367 MWe, the largest in the world in recent years. Relying on innovation and homegrown expertise, China has made the leap from Gen II to Gen III. It is a world leader in nuclear power equipment manufacturing and nuclear power plant construction, and has developed a reliable nuclear fuel supply network and a complete nuclear power industry chain. 

中國大陸核電廠分布圖(截至 2020年 12月 31日)
Distribution of Nuclear Power Plants on the Chinese Mainland (as of December 31, 2020)


中國大陸核電事業起步于 20世紀 80年代。截至 2020年底,在運核電機組 49臺,裝機容量 5102.7萬千瓦,位居世界第三。 2020年運行核電機組累計發電量 3662.43億千瓦時,占大陸總發電量的 4.94%。未發生過國際核事件分級( INES)2級及以上的運行事件,核電機組性能指標總體處于良好水平。在建核電機組 16臺,裝機容量 1736.7萬千瓦,在建規模多年全球第一。中國具備核電自主創新和獨立設計能力,實現了核電技術由“二代”向“三代”的跨越;核電裝備制造和核電建設能力位列世界前列;建立了可靠的核燃料供應體系,形成了完整的核電產業鏈。

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