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Home > Nuclear Industry

?Post-Fukushima Actions

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Post-Fukushima Actions 

In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the Chinese government mandated a comprehensive safety inspection of the country’s nuclear power plants in operation and under construction, research reactors, and other nuclear facilities. The inspection lasted over nine months. The result showed a minimal possibility of a nuclear accident, as the sites of China’s nuclear facilities had been selected with extreme natural events such as earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis in mind. Drawing lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident, the Chinese government has taken further steps to enhance the safety of its nuclear facilities by implementing improvement plans in the short, medium, and long terms and by enhancing nuclear facilities’ capacity to withstand external events and prevent and mitigate serious accidents. 


日本福島核事故發生后,中國政府組織專門力量對全國運行核電廠、在建核電廠、研究堆等核設施開展了歷時 9個多月的綜合安全檢查,結果表明,中國核設施在選址時充分考慮了地震、洪水、海嘯等影響,由極端自然事件引發核事故的可能性極小。為進一步提升核設施安全水平,汲取日本福島核事故教訓,中國政府制訂并實施了核設施短期、中期、長期安全改進計劃,增強了核設施抵御外部事件、預防和緩解嚴重事故的能力。

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