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Home > Nuclear Industry

Nuclear Liability System

Updated:2021-12-26 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Nuclear Liability System 

Consistent with the principles common to most international conventions regarding nuclear liability, the State Council’s Decisions on Third Party Nuclear Liability (1986) and on Liability and Compensation for Damages Resulting from Nuclear Accidents (2007) explicitly stipulate that a nuclear facility operator shall be liable for any personal injury, death, or property or environmental damages resulting from a nuclear accident. These instruments also specify conditions under which exclusion of liability is applicable, as well as the aggregate limit of liability, state liability, financial guarantees, joint liability, rights of recourse, compensation for damages caused by extraordinary nuclear occurrences (ENO) and compensation for trans-boundary damages. Provisions on compensation for nuclear damages are also incorporated in the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China and the Nuclear Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China. The development of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Compensation for Nuclear Damages is underway to further clarify issues in this connection. 


《國務院關于處理第三方核責任問題的批復》( 1986)和《國務院關于核事故損害賠償責任問題的批復》( 2007)采用了國際公約通用的原則,對核設施營運者應當對核事故造成的人身傷亡、財產損失或環境受到的損害承擔賠償責任、責任排除、最高責任限額、國家責任、財務保證、連帶責任、追索權、非常核事故造成的損害賠償、越境損害賠償等作出了明確規定?!吨腥A人民共和國民法典》和《中華人民共和國核安全法》以法律形式對核損害賠償基本原則作出了規定。為了進一步完善核損害賠償制度,中國正在制定《中華人民共和國核損害賠償法》。

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