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Home > Nuclear Industry

Natural Uranium Production and Supply

Updated:2021-12-19 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Natural Uranium Production and Supply 

The past six decades have witnessed exponential growth of China's uranium mining and milling industry. It now features an extensive network of research and development and production facilities, manned by a large team of experts, technicians, and skilled workers. A full range of uranium mining and milling techniques are employed, including open-pit and underground mining, agitated leaching, heap leaching, in-situ blasting, and in-situ leaching. Since the beginning of the 21st century, efforts to ensure long-term stability in the supply of natural uranium have included building a stable, flexible and reliable supply system that hinges on four pillars: domestic production, overseas development, international trade and strategic reserves. China has in recent years been actively building large bases for uranium mining and promoting a green, rational and efficient approach to developing uranium resources. Construction of major in-situ leaching projects in northern regions such as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has been completed and they have been put into operation. A development pattern has thus emerged with in-situ leaching of sandstone-type deposits in northern China becoming the backbone of the industry and in-situ leaching of hard rock deposits in southern China assuming a supplementary role. 


經歷了 60余年的發展歷程,中國鈾礦采冶產業已建立完整的科技研發、生產運營、人才隊伍體系,擁有露天開采、地下開采、攪拌浸出、地表堆浸、原地爆破浸出、原地浸出等全套的鈾礦采冶生產技術。進入 21世紀,為確保天然鈾的長期穩定供應,中國逐步完善了以“國內開發、海外開發、國際貿易、戰略儲備”相互依托、靈活調節、穩定可靠的“四位一體”的天然鈾供應保障體系。近年來,中國積極推進鈾礦大基地建設,促進鈾資源開發綠色、集約、高效發展。新疆、內蒙古等北方地區地浸項目全面建成投產,形成以北方綠色地浸砂巖礦山為主體、南方硬巖礦山為補充的產業發展格局。

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