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Home > Nuclear Industry

World's First Operational EPR Reactor

Updated:2021-12-19 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

World's First Operational EPR Reactor 

A series of Sino-French agreements on cooperation in the construction of Taishan EPR nuclear power project in Guangdong Province were signed on November 26, 2007, witnessed by the heads of state of China and France. Following the signing of these agreements, the construction of Taishan 1 started on October 26, 2009, marking the third EPR unit under construction following the first two in Finland and France. The unit went into commercial operation on December 13, 2018, becoming the world's first EPR unit in commercial operation. Taishan 2 was put into commercial operation on September 7, 2019, bringing to a finish the largest Sino-French energy cooperation project. During a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on November 6, 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping hailed the successful completion of the project as an example to show to the world how Gen III nuclear power plants could be built. 

Taishan NPP


2007年 11月 26日,中法兩國元首共同見證了中法合作建設廣東臺山 EPR核電項目系列協議的簽署。 2009年 10月 26日,中法合作建設的臺山核電站 1號機組開工建設,是繼芬蘭和法國后第三臺開建的 EPR機組, 2018年 12月 13日投入商運,成為全球首臺投入商運的 EPR三代核電機組。2019年 9月 7日,臺山核電站 2號機組投入商運,標志著中法兩國最大的能源合作項目全部建成。 2019年 11月 6日,習近平在同法國總統馬克龍會談中盛贊,臺山核電站 1號和 2號機組全部建成投入商運,為全球第三代核電站建設提供了成功范例。

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