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Home > Nuclear Industry

China's Nuclear Industry

Updated:2021-12-19 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

China's Nuclear Industry 

China's nuclear industry dates back to 1955. After decades of development, China has established a complete system of nuclear science, technology and industry, evolving from having no nuclear power to owning homegrown Gen III technology, achieving technology upgrading and expanded production of nuclear fuel, and realizing rapid development and industrial application of nuclear technology. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of China's nuclear industry in January 2015, President Xi Jinping commented, "Over the past 60 years, several generations of scientists and others in the nuclear industry have made outstanding contributions to our national security and economic development. Their hard work, innovation, and trailblazing efforts have enabled our nuclear industry to develop from scratch and thrive with remarkable achievements. As a high-tech strategic industry, the nuclear industry is an important cornerstone of our national security." He went on to emphasize "the need for a continued focus on safety and innovation in pursuit of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and the importance of further improving the competitiveness of our nuclear industry in an effort to add a new great chapter to the annals of the development of the industry". 



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