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Home > Nuclear Industry

Advanced Fuel Assembly R&D

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Advanced Fuel Assembly R&D 

After decades of development, China has formed a complete technological system consisting of nuclear fuel assembly design, manufacturing and testing, built high-level R&D teams, and deployed advanced facilities for research and testing. To meet the needs of nuclear power development, and to claim the high ground in the development of nuclear fuel assembly technology, China is concentrating on R&D of large advanced PWR fuel assembly CF4 with the goal of 24-month refueling, which is known for high reliability, safety and economic efficiency. The research of annular fuel element has entered the engineering test stage. Research on accident tolerant fuel (ATF) is making steady progress. Research on high-performance nuclear-grade zirconium materials and other related materials has also made breakthroughs, laying an important foundation for research on new types of nuclear fuel assemblies. 



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