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Home > Nuclear Industry

High-temperature Reactor R&D

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

High-temperature Reactor R&D 

The development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) in China began in the 1970s and was included in the national 863 Program in 1986. In January 2003, HTR-10 was connected to the grid at full capacity. In February 2008, the State Council approved an overall plan for the implementation of the HTGR nuclear power project, which aims to build a 200 MWe commercial modular HTGR demonstration plant with domestically developed technologies, based on the 10 MWt high-temperature gas-cooled experimental reactor already in operation. In the past decade, important progress has been made in the construction of the HTGR demonstration plant, including the development of key equipment and its testing, production of fuel elements and the development of certain general-purpose technologies. The 200 MWe demonstration plant is expected to be connected to the grid in 2021. 


中國高溫氣冷堆技術研發始于20世紀70年代,1986年列入國家“863”高技術計劃。 2003年1月,HTR-10實現滿功率并網發電運行。 2008年2月,國務院批準了《高溫氣冷堆核電站重大專項總體實施方案》,以已運行的 10MWt高溫氣冷實驗堆為基礎,建成具有自主知識產權的200MWe級模塊式高溫氣冷堆商業化示范電站。10年來,在高溫氣冷堆核電站示范工程建設、關鍵設備研制、試驗驗證、燃料元件生產及共性技術研發等方面都取得了重要突破。200MWe級模塊式高溫氣冷堆商業化示范電站將在2021年并網發電。

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