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Home > Nuclear Industry

Cobalt-60 Production

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Cobalt-60 Production 

Cobalt-60 radioactive sources are widely used in agriculture, industry and medicine in China. The production of medical cobalt-60 has, in particular, delivered substantial economic and social benefits. Cobalt-60 gamma knives have become an important tool in tumor treatment. In 2010, the China Isotope & Radiation Corporation (CIRC) developed the technology for producing 10,000 Curie-level cobalt-60, and can now produce 6 million Curie cobalt-60 sources annually. CIRC's products perform well compared with similar products, and their quality measures up to high international standards. The company has become the world's third largest supplier of industrial cobalt sources developed with Chinese technology. In September 2019, the first batch of high specific activity cobalt-60 raw material was successfully produced at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, marking the beginning of domestic mass production of medical cobalt-60 radioactive sources. China's supply of medical cobalt-60 radioactive sources has so far been self-sufficient, and the gamma knife industry has seen sustained growth. 

Domestically developed Medical Cobalt-60 Produced at Qinshan NPP


鈷-60放射源在中國農業、工業、醫學等方面應用廣泛。特別是醫用鈷-60生產具有重要的社會意義和經濟效益,鈷-60伽馬刀成為腫瘤綜合治療的重要組成部分。2010年,中國同輻公司成功掌握萬居里級鈷-60源生產技術,形成年產600萬居里鈷-60輻照源的能力,產品的各項技術指標和質量水平均達到國外同類產品水平,成為擁有自主知識產權的全球第三大工業鈷源供應商。 2019年9月在秦山核電第一批國產高比活度鈷-60原料的自主生產,實現了醫用鈷-60放射源國產化、批量化生產。至此,中國醫用鈷-60放射源不再“缺芯少源”,伽瑪刀醫療產業得到持續健康發展。

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