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Home > Nuclear Industry

Large Research Facilities

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Large Research Facilities 

China's radiation technology development has benefited greatly from a number of large research facilities in operation, including accelerators, research reactors and synchrotron light sources. The 100 MeV high intensity proton cyclotron at the China Institute of Atomic Energy has played an important role in the basic research of nuclear physics, isotope development and nuclear application. Heavy ion accelerators, proton accelerators and PET cyclotrons for tumor treatment are advanced equipment for the application of radiation technology in medicine. The 125 MW high flux engineering test reactor and the 60 MW China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) have produced a wide range of medical and pharmaceutical radioisotopes, and boosted the development and application of neutron imaging. Large light sources such as the Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility have provided powerful tools for cutting-edge basic research in radiation physics, radiation chemistry, materials science, nuclear medicine, and radiopharmacy, as well as the development and application of medical diagnosis. The China Spallation Neutron Source has provided an advanced and powerful research platform for basic research and high-tech development in the frontier areas of physics, chemistry, life science, materials science, nanoscience, medicine and new nuclear energy development in China.


在中國,加速器、研究堆、同輻光源等一批大型科研裝置的建成和投運有力支撐了輻射科學和技術的發展。中國原子能科學研究院 100MeV強流質子回旋加速器在核物理基礎研究、同位素開發及核技術應用研究中發揮了重要作用。腫瘤治療用重離子加速器、質子加速器和 PET配套質子回旋加速器為輻射科學和技術在醫療方面的應用提供了先進裝備。 125MW高通量工程試驗堆和 60MW中國先進研究堆( CARR)生產出多種醫用和藥用放射性同位素,并促進了中子成像技術及應用的開發。合肥同步裝置、上海同步輻射光源等大型光源為輻射物理、輻射化學、材料科學、核醫學、放射性藥學等多學科的前沿基礎研究,以及醫療診斷等技術的開發應用研究提供了強有力的手段。中國散裂中子源為中國在物理學、化學、生命科學、材料科學、納米科學、醫藥和新型核能開發等學科前沿領域的基礎研究和高新技術開發提供一個先進、功能強大的科研平臺。

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