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Home > Colorful Guizhou

A Sea of Tea Trees

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

A Sea of Tea Trees

Guizhou has nearly 7 million mu of tea plantations, the largest in China. In Yongxing Town, Meitan County, there is the world's largest sea of tea trees - contiguous tea plantations with a size of nearly 43,000 mu. The province has a rich variety of tea germplasm resources so it can offer a valuable pool of tea plant genes. China Tea Sea Park is planned to be built.

In 1980, a Siqiu tea seed fossil was discovered in Qing-long County, Guizhou Province, making it possible to trace the world's tea history back to 1.64 million years ago. This is the oldest tea seed fossil in the world and also the only tea fossil in the world.




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