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Home > Colorful Guizhou

Four-front Development Initiative

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Four-front Development Initiative

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Guizhou will take major steps in advancing the Four-front Development Initiative, namely promoting new industrialization, new urbanization, agricultural modernization, and the tourism industry. This will not only create new engines of economic growth, but also point the way for Chinese and international investors.

The 12th CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee had its eighth plenary meeting between December 7 and 9, 2020. A number of proposals were put forward at the meeting. First, intensified efforts should be made to promote new industrialization and thus build an industrial system for the province's high-quality development. The primary task in the endeavor to achieve high-quality economic development should be to gather pace in advancing new industrialization. Strong moves should be made to develop the industrial sector and achieve big industrial breakthroughs. Ten industries should be grown larger and stronger and industrial planning should be improved to push the industrial sector to a higher level of development.

Second, new urbanization should be pushed forward to build an urban system for the province's high-quality development. Embracing a people-centered approach, Guizhou should strive to improve the quality of urbanization and pursue a new path of urbanization with distinctive mountain features. Along with the implementation of the five-year action to build a strong provincial capital, efforts should be made to accelerate the creation of a spatial structure of new urbanization with the central Guizhou urban agglomeration as the main component, Gui'an of Guiyang as the leading player, the Guiyang-Gui'an-Anshun and Zunyi metropolitan areas as the core growth drivers, major cities in other cities or prefectures of the province as major players, counties as important players, and city belts and characteristic small towns in the province's remote areas as supporting players.

Third, agricultural modernization should be advanced to build a high-quality rural development system. Efforts should be made to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation, advance the industrial revolution in rural areas, develop modern high-efficiency agriculture with mountain features, give priority to twelve industries with local strengths and grow them larger and stronger, implement rural development initiatives, and promote rural revitalization on all fronts, etc.

Fourth, the tourism industry should be boosted to build a high-quality modern service system. Efforts should be made to break new ground in the province's tourism development, improve the quality and efficiency of the tourism industry, keep extending the influence of the province's branding campaign "Colorful Guizhou, a Province of Mountain Parks", and boost the integration of tourism with several other industries. The purpose is to make Guizhou a competitive province in tourism, a top-notch mountain tourism destination for the world and a first-rate health resort in China.

Guizhou should focus on speeding up new industrialization while seeking to promote new urbanization, agricultural modernization, and the development of the tourism industry to consolidate the industrial foundation. The efforts on the four fronts are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. A holistic approach should be adopted to push them forward as four engines of growth.








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